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Fusioning Pylon and Storage and maybe even Caretaker.

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First off let's start by staying in topic, so NO talk about infinity storage, changing status (like HP, etc), or anything off topic. The only topic/objective here is to reduce the number of units.

I see lots people complaining that we have too many units, so what about fusioning Pylon and Storage and maybe even Caretaker (Caretaker would be the only unit left in game). Just so we can delete some rarely used units.

Fusioning Caretaker too may look a bit extreme, but if we do it there may be more points to retreat and repair units, just set it to default Hold Position so it will repair ally units and reclaim automatic, but will not help ally to BUILD units, so no ally can "steal metal" from you, and it will still help building "your" units automatic too. And if you want you can change it move status later too.

If you do not agree about Caretaker fusion, but agree with Pylon and Storage fusion say so, and if you want NO fusion say so too.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I want infinite storages. :3

"Pylon and Fusion" already exists. Fusion is the reason why you never need to build a Pylon. Storage and Fusion I like, very much. But only E-store and Fusion, not.
+0 / -0
12 years ago

I never talked about "Fusion" unit ie "Fusion Reactor" (http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Fusion Reactor).

I only talked about:
http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Energy Transmission Pylon

But if you want to fusion "Fusion Reactor" (http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Fusion Reactor) and "Storage" (http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Storage), for me that ok, a least we can delete "Storage" (http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#unit-Storage).
+0 / -0

i like your idea a lot!

put together storage , and pylon!
I also like your idea to make it a repair and reclaim base.
This is going in the direction of my different caretaker suggestion.

Do this new building: storage-pylon-repair-reclaimer with the settings fortaleza suggested
+0 / -0
I don't like it. It lets nubs hoard metal in disguise of useful pylons. When I see them build storages I can rage with certainty.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Players should almost never build storages, and should almost never build pylons. In the case of storage, this is not just because they are inefficient (Like the Pylon is) but because they're actually bad for you and your team- They are worse for your overdrive, if you are seriously filling your storage you're just wasting metal, and if you have a team then you're prevent them from using that metal.

The only reason these units are in the game is for reclaim gluts in FFA (storage) and for linking things like superfusions, geos, ddm's, and anni's, which are very location-dependent.

Frankly, I'd rather see them removed and the link radii from Solars and Windgens increased.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Ooo I confused fusioning with fusion.. my baaad.

Adding to Sak's storage comment: have them be locked in team games! :]
+0 / -0

12 years ago
>Adding to Sak's storage comment: have them be locked in team games! :]

YES. This idea is so good it could be mine!
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Is there a Lua call-in for reclaimed metal? If there is, it should be pretty trivial to temporarily add storage for reclaiming teams, which would allow the Storage to be removed.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
How about 2 types of stored metal?

The first one is the metal from mexes and it is maxed at 1000m, the overflow goes teammates. Its max storage cant be increased.

The second one is the metal from reclaim. It has infinite storage and never overflows. That way newbs won't be able to hoard large quantities of metal without actually going out with cons and reclaiming stuff around.

The way to implement this:
Metal from mexes uses the engine-handled metal we have now. Here goes output from mexes and other M producing stuff (like com). It is drained by metal usage the same way it is now.
Metal from reclaim is completely Lua'ed. Here goes all metal from reclaim. It can't be directly used, by it will move in small portions to the first kind of metal when it runs low. That way it gets used.
+0 / -0
Plz do not hijack this topic with off topic talk, this topic in only about cleaning the UI removing rare used unit by fusioning it with another one.

If you want to talk about changing the storage system to talk about in Jasper topic: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2029 , that one was already been hijacked and most talk is about changing storage system and not about fusioning units.

If possible i want moderator to delete off topic comments above.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
This is not going to happen Fortaleza, these units will probably be removed before they are combined.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Possible, any way i am just asking what everyone thinks about it.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Don't like it.

I'm happy with the current eco system - the only thing that bugs me is the Geo morph.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
I would like a cheaper pylon,

70 Metal, only fusion and not singularity range and provides +100m +200e Storage?

eStorage is still needed as long as infiltrators and ultimatuums or a bulk of snipers drain insane amounts of e while moving -- even rezzing depends very much on storage capacity.

+100m +200e for 70 metal is ok if you can also extend your grid with it.
+200m +400e would be ok if you have to pay 150m
+300m +750e would be ok if you have to pay 220m as now

To prevent leeching, we could share all over 900 metal and only fill the storages and the upper 100 if the whole team is excessing.
Pros could use this as an indicator too!

It would be also ok for me if each nano get a storage of +50m, each wind +12e, each solar +20e, each fusion +350e, geos and singularity 250e, 1000e and 2250e.

10 seconds of storage.

If we compare to now, a 50m storage is worth something like 15 metal, a 20e storage something like 3 metal.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Stop ressing dead threads with inane blather Neon.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
13 days are not even two weeks :/
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You've posted in every thread. You don't need to, your opinion is not that important. I'm going to ban you from the site if you keep up the whole 'every second post is from NeonStorm' bullshit.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Err Sak.. umad?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I don't see the problem, you can just skip his posts if you want.
+0 / -0
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