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Heavy Assault Fighter

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Heavy Assault Fighter

coming soon
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12 years ago
what are its weapons?
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12 years ago
Did you make it? If so, replace Vamp with it. I think the many guns kinda fit its lasers.
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12 years ago
i have only model
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12 years ago
lol, vamp with 16 aa lasers! that would be crazy!
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12 years ago
Well look at its firing rate, marathon. If its current two(?) weapons were split into eight twins, then the reload time of every single gun could simply be 1/8th of the current one. :)
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12 years ago
yeah, but wouldn't that new model appear to big, cause I think im picturing a fighter the size of krow here
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We could make an emp fighter. Vamp with lightning guns or slowbeams would own.

ZK needs a higher weight fighter. 600-900 cost specialist Anti-air.
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12 years ago
We don't need any aa heavier than vamp. In fact, I don't think we would need another air superiority fighter.
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12 years ago
Pff models can be resized easy, marathon. :)
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12 years ago
guess the choice is up to you Skasi, I drop
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12 years ago
Why would we not need heavier AA? In team games when both sides have air, the battle for the skies involves spamming vamps.

An alternative fighter would be interesting to have. Especially one that brings special abilities to the dogfight.
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12 years ago
it would be nice to have another unit like vamp, but theres one problem, they cant attack structures(the source of units, production facilities, etc). Vamp type units would only be used as countermeasures, but if we introduced a fighter with speacial abilities, what would we do with them after they pwned some air units?
+0 / -0
What do you do with vamps after you have pwned air units? You keep them out of harms way.

If you have no more air targets, you have air superiority. Time to build bombers.
Then you can send them in together with your bombers on raids to escort against enemy air and decoy enemy AA.

This is the same.

When you have two air players facing off, vamps are key. They are not countermeasures. You use them to kill enemy vamps, bombers and anything else you can hit.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Might wanna rethink this now... (this is off topic kinda)
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12 years ago
tbh, I don't see the point of the avenger at all. The Vamp is good at what it does. The avenger is just something that dies to 2 MT and does less than 36dps to land.

When two air players duel, combat comes down to spamming vamps. That could probably be made more interesting, buts its not a priority really.
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12 years ago
Vamp has a model. Possibly could be used for Nuke bomber or somesuch, but ideally it should match the other fighter/bomber models to some extent.
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12 years ago
fun idea
make it some kind of tank killer fighter like this
so it can't attack air, but kill tanks easily with his maschine guns.
After 2-3 maschine gun runs it must be rearmed or so.
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12 years ago
sounds like NOTA air. Also sounds surprisingly cool.
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12 years ago
Avenger missile should deal EMP damage :D. (or maybe even slow)
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