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What do you do with vamps after you have pwned air units? You keep them out of harms way.
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What do you do with vamps after you have pwned air units? You keep them out of harms way.
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If you have no more air targets, you have air superiority. Time to build bombers.
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If you have no more air targets, you have air superiority. Time to build bombers.
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Then you can send them in together with your bombers on raids to escort against enemy air and decoy enemy AA.
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Then you can send them in together with your bombers on raids to escort against enemy air and decoy enemy AA.
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This is the same.
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This is the same.
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When you have two air players facing off, vamps are key. They are not countermeasures. You use them to kill enemy vamps, bombers and anything else you can hit.