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Burning damage?

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5 years ago
Does burning damage happen at the same time as normal fire damage or does it only take effect after the damage is finished? Or, is it part of the fire damage? I'm curious because "hellfire grenade" would do more damage than I thought depending on the answer.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
I don't know the answer, but I know there is a widget that will display the value of damage taken by a unit.
There is an instant and damage over time.

I wish something be on fire, and then be "more on fire". Like, the damage over time would stack, but diminishingly.
+0 / -0

5 years ago
Its a good question, ill ask it too, i think same\similar question:

Does standing in fire increase damage ontop of being on fire?
+0 / -0
I'm most positive that stnding in a groundfire will deal the groundfire damage as well as the afterburn damage at the same time.

take kodachi for example. When kodachi shoots, it deals 3 sorts of damage.

-Impact damage(70 damage explosion) like a very weak higher AOE riot cannon
-AOE DOT damage(36 DPS) the ground fire
-apply DPS burn(15 DPS) the 2 second fire linger after leaving ground fire

I've heard from someone that the groundfires deal less damage towards the end of their durations, I can't confirm it's hard to feel that damage loss. a unit can only have 1 15 DPS fire on it at a time, but groundfires will stack.so a drive by of like 5 kodachis to a factory will burn the construction zone for like 200 damage a second(36*5+15), rendering it inoperable and frighteningly losing HP.
+4 / -0

5 years ago
ground fire stack?, nice to know
+0 / -0
5 years ago
The wiki has a page on fire: http://zero-k.info/mediawiki/index.php?title=Fire

Here's how burning works:

-Any fire damage will make a unit start burning immediately. Yes this means the unit starts taking burn damage immediately.

-Taking more fire damage while already burning will reset the duration of the burn. Basically this means that once you leave a fire, it always takes the same amount of time to stop burning.

-Burning deals damage at a fixed rate of 15 DPS and always lasts the same amount of time. Strangely the wiki does not mention how long that duration is.

-Amphibious units can extinguish themselves by submerging.

-Pyro and kodachi are immune to burning (but not to fire damage itself).

Burning is ultimately the icing on top, the overwhelming majority of fire damage comes from the attacks themselves and the ground fire they leave behind.
+3 / -0
-Burning deals damage at a fixed rate of 15 DPS and always lasts the same amount of time. Strangely the wiki does not mention how long that duration is.

DPS is always 15 but duration depends on weapon type. For example Dante flamethrower applies the status for 15s but the rockets apply it for 26-37s (random). Most napalms (lingering ground area fires) apply it for just 2s.

I've heard from someone that the groundfires deal less damage towards the end of their durations

Yeah, it linearly decreases to 50% at the end of their lifetime. It also decreases linearly away from the center to 40% at the edge (these reductions stack multiplicatively so standing at the edge of an almost expired napalm deals just 20% of the nominal damage).
+2 / -0