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Not sure what changed but ZK is broken as !@#$

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1. Crabe is unusable piece of crap
gets stuck on hills, refuses to auto fire at targets in range and direct LOS unless u give a manual command

2. Ravens in area attack mode refuse to dive for some targets but happily dive for others

3. Shogun and reef is totally unusable as they get stuck on slightest terrain bumps, mexes, tidals and walls.
here i'm using newton array to "unstuck" shogun that super-glued to a wall - success

What the fucking fuck is going on?

+2 / -0

6 years ago
Oh you know what else changed, area reclaim. I used it yesterday in a game with Anarchid and my mason decided to reclaim my commander.

Also just had a useless crab in a game.
+4 / -0
@Sparkles I had similar problem - clicked area reclaim and my com started eating allied solar :O
but i'm not 100% sure what happened, here is replay

I probably selected E, clicked ally solar and drew a circle... But area reclaim not supposed to reclaim allied units even if circle started on one, is it?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
4.) what Firepluk changed.... ?
+0 / -0
6 years ago
come on just calm down, the game is alright it has minor details. with all the upgrades and all. those will get corrected in the enxt update ;D. i also noted some bugs. but minor details that's all lets not give the devs A hard time. it's still A lot of work.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
No one is giving any devs a hard time - we're providing them with valuable information that they can do as they see fit with.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
The area reclaim issue will hopefully be fixed now: https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/999239b93e9ebf467c346597234ccb11ab4d8e70
+4 / -0

6 years ago
another bug that may be relevant here is that sometimes when I'm using welders on the front line and try to have them area repair or area reclaim when enemies are nearby they become stupid and start moving towards enemies or something instead of doing what I ordered them to.
+4 / -0

6 years ago
lol i thought this rant is about performance, because that is what i observed a change on.

for me, the fps skyrocketed to 160, for my dear ally DErankTopkack , he had like 2 fps (at game start)
+1 / -0
There is a performance bug for me too :(
How to reproduce:
1. Disable auto-quit zk on game end
2. Go for a tea
3. Come back hour later and find out 3 running zk games
4. Through lags close 2 finished instances
5. Make sure the last one catched up
6. Look at 2-3 FPS, the game will stay permanently lagged though it catched up and u are no longer behind. Can be fixed only by rejoin...

may or may not be related to DErankTopkack 's issue
+0 / -0
What the fucking fuck is going on?

I updated the engine.

for me, the fps skyrocketed to 160, for my dear ally DErankTopkack, he had like 2 fps (at game start)
Does DErankTopkack always experience the issue, or was it just one time?

There is a performance bug for me too :(
How to reproduce:
1. Disable auto-quit zk on game end
2. Go for a tea
3. Come back hour later and find out 3 running zk games
4. Through lags close 2 finished instances
5. Make sure the last one catched up
6. Look at 2-3 FPS, the game will stay permanently lagged though it catched up and u are no longer behind. Can be fixed only by rejoin...
What causes three games to be running? I know of no ways to run more than two spring instances via any option provided by the default client. Are you launching externally? Generally, I am not super concerned about problems caused by running three instances of Spring at the same time. Permanent low FPS on the remaining instance could be indicative of a real problem, so can you find a more reasonable way to replicate the issue?

1. Crabe is unusable piece of crap
gets stuck on hills, refuses to auto fire at targets in range and direct LOS unless u give a manual command

Respond on the Crab replay. EErankAdminAnarchid also reported a rumor of broken Crab but I have not seen anything yet.

3. Shogun and reef is totally unusable as they get stuck on slightest terrain bumps, mexes, tidals and walls.
here i'm using newton array to "unstuck" shogun that super-glued to a wall - success
Is this new?
+2 / -0
battleship getting stuck on a single urichin is old.

as for DErankTopkack 's performance issue: he has this since the recent engine update, game is slow from game start. but better he responds himself or provides infolog
+0 / -0

3. Shogun and reef is totally unusable as they get stuck on slightest terrain bumps, mexes, tidals and walls.
here i'm using newton array to "unstuck" shogun that super-glued to a wall - success
Is this new?

new/old not so important, what's important is that shit does not work as intended...


What causes three games to be running? I know of no ways to run more than two spring instances via any option provided by the default client. Are you launching externally? Generally, I am not super concerned about problems caused by running three instances of Spring at the same time. Permanent low FPS on the remaining instance could be indicative of a real problem, so can you find a more reasonable way to replicate the issue?

I launch each game in a separate spring engine(chobby option)... Not sure how else to replicate
But lags should be gone as soon as I close all extra springs and catch up instead I permanently stay at 2-3 fps
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Maybe downsize ur hentai collection firepluk :^)
+1 / -0
1) https://springrts.com/mantis/view.php?id=6158

2) https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/601953f96bbcb8cd165a07b283aa7eb1ec142ed4

3) https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/8356f54d4ae12517930031d8158b7d1598be770e

I may hack around (1) with the new callin. Also, Crab (as well as Fencer/Emissary) may have some unfurling speed problem related to the new formation movement system.
+2 / -0
I hope this is somewhat relevant... When starting in full screen, the game often moves to the right and down for me, leaving me with a piece of desktop visible and minimap covered. This only started with the new engine. The "window" can't be moved (it's full screen...ish); using "fullscreen window" as a workaround for now since it correctly stretches itself to the entire screen.

Also, the size of the lobby (window) is not remembered. This is old.

Using Win7x64, if that makes any difference.
+1 / -0
yeah spiders stop often on hills, particularly crabe.
Actually my crabes on attackmove will only move at 10% speed even on flat ground
+0 / -0

6 years ago
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog 1) is not entirely about firing - there are also numerous problems with movement of spiders on terraformed spikes... they just refuse to go where u order them to...
+0 / -0
There is a performance bug for me too :(
How to reproduce:
1. Disable auto-quit zk on game end
2. Go for a tea
3. Come back hour later and find out 3 running zk games
4. Through lags close 2 finished instances
5. Make sure the last one catched up
6. Look at 2-3 FPS, the game will stay permanently lagged though it catched up and u are no longer behind. Can be fixed only by rejoin...
Cannot reproduce.
  • I started four independent lobbies running a Brutal 3v3 Calamity simple skirmish game at 4x speed.
  • I then rejoining a running game up to 5 minutes.
  • I closed the AI games.
  • Once caught up, my FPS spectating the MP game was fine.
  • I rejoined the MP game now that the AI games were closed, and did not see a difference in FPS.

Find a way to reproduce the issue that requires fewer running games and takes less than two hours. You should be able to do so by downloading multiple portable ZKs and running AI games.
+2 / -0
1) https://github.com/ZeroK-RTS/Zero-K/commit/d66bf499ce35f9c020f0107dce2d99ef02ff00fe & https://github.com/spring/spring/pull/435

Also we'll want to update the engine soon to test a fix for units getting stuck on structures, see https://springrts.com/mantis/view.php?id=6153
works but degrades general pathing smoothness. test this thoroughly, it will be reverted if too many complaints start coming in.
I'd rather do so once a fix for 1) is in.
+2 / -0
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