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Win Button on Overwhelming Advantage

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6 years ago
Everyone here has probably had some game in team games or 1v1 where it's gone into Overwhelming Advantage. Some have even faced people who bm and waste everyone's time by placing razors all over the place or had some noob who doesn't know where the resign button is while their team has fucked off and lost interest in the battle. This has annoyed me personally lately so I came up with a proposition:

When your team has overwhelming advantage, you gain a win button! You press this button and your team either
- Calls a win vote (ending game instantly if successful, only your team may vote for it)
- Wins automatically when pressed.

This feature is meant to save you the trouble of hunting down the fleaman in a 7 hour chore or killing all those damn razors that take 30seconds to kill each. Nice part about this:

- FFA doesn't do OA until 2 teams are left.
- You dont have to deal with rooks/moep/bmers burying comm and refusing to resign.
- You have a choice whether the game ends or you want to hunt down the last units.
- You dont have to switch to air/amphs to kill that last scythe that fell into the sea.
- Most, if not all, games are decided when it comes to Overwhelming Advantage anyways so nothing is lost and countless frustration is saved.

What are people's thoughts on this?
+4 / -0
6 years ago
I dont see why not
+0 / -0

6 years ago
There is already Overwhelming Advantage mechanic where all units gets revealed. I think it applies to when 1 team has Overwhelming Advantage over all other teams even in FFA.
I don't know at which percentage this is triggered. Probably something like 1-5% value of the highest team.
If the enemy has some Razors around that won't trigger the Overwhelming advantage until you have like 100000 total value anyway.
I think it is fairly easy to hunt down the last units with gunships or bombers but having a Win button ending the game wouldn't really make any difference so why not.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
There is already Overwhelming Advantage mechanic where all units gets revealed.

I would like this expanded to include a "I win" button. Not only do you get vision but you also get a win button so you can opt to fight to the last unit or just declare victory.

I think it is fairly easy to hunt down the last units with gunships or bombers but having a Win button ending the game wouldn't really make any difference so why not.

Sure it's easy, but it's also *tedious*. At the point in which OA comes into play, there's nothing that really remains a threat and outside of memes or bming there's really no reason for the game to continue at this point. The challenge is over, nothing poses a threat to you and mopping up is trivial. In most scenarios OA triggers when the enemy is basically not going to win. I have *NEVER* seen a game go from OA to loss unless it was deliberate.

At this point it's up to the defenders to throw in the towel. They can opt to lose but the winner is forced to hunt down every fucking unit on the field or give up victory. How is this just to the winner if the loser decides to stay and waste the winner's time? They beat them to a pulp and now have to wait out for an air switch because the ass decided to drop a razor on some island out there or decided to lulz memes and bury some crappy unit in their base. It's just not satisfying and just adds to frustration.

After repeated forced hunting downs, the game really loses its luster. It's gotten to the point where if I have to hunt down some submerged crap that'd take more than 30 seconds or so I just resign flat out or call a resign vote to go to the next game.

It's just *not fun*.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Sounds like an improvement to the victory conditions is required. OA feels like a patch to me, I don't even like its current form.
+3 / -0
But how do you get around potential FFA comeback units such as cloakybot cons?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
I you have lost, there is no comeback.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
So what could be an organic improvement to the victory conditions?
+0 / -0
But how do you get around potential FFA comeback units such as cloakybot cons?

OA in FFA works differently from what I read of the code:

1.) 2 allyteams must remain (Eg: All but 2 must have resigned or had all their units killed off)
2.) One ally team must have 25x the metal value of the other ally team.

I really dont think you're coming back from 25x your current metal in value.
+0 / -0
6 years ago
Could you econ so hard on speed metal you get OA without attacking?
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Unlikely unless your opponent is afk or inexperienced (like, first game inexperienced).
+1 / -0
6 years ago
Im gonna do this to brianfreeman
+1 / -1

6 years ago
I dont see any downside to this. Any game with more than 2 teams should be excluded. I've seen plenty of games where some troll has an underwater unit or fighter plane in the corner of the map just to be annoying. I think if the collective value of one team is 95% more than the other team it should just be a automatic victory, no button necessary.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
that's unfair no reason to make the winner feel superior and discourage players from keep playing ;D
+0 / -0
I think if the collective value of one team is 95% more than the other team it should just be a automatic victory, no button necessary.

I think that, as compared to a button, people would complain about not having an option. Some players like to "crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women" to full completion.

Can't say I'm one of them, but there's no point in aggravating that demographic for no compelling purpose (since no functionality is lost compared to having the button).

OA in FFA works differently from what I read of the code:

1.) 2 allyteams must remain (Eg: All but 2 must have resigned or had all their units killed off)
2.) One ally team must have 25x the metal value of the other ally team.

I really dont think you're coming back from 25x your current metal in value.

It happens. Mostly on zombie Duke Nukem. Might happen on Hotstepper too.
+2 / -0

6 years ago
You dont have to deal with rooks/moep/bmers burying comm and refusing to resign.

I think if somebody who should know better regularly griefs by needlessly prolonging the game it's a social issue that should be solved by social tools.
+0 / -0
I think if somebody who should know better regularly griefs by needlessly prolonging the game it's a social issue that should be solved by social tools.

Social tools are effectively toothless because some mods don't like it when people get "banned" from big team games for poor conduct.
+3 / -0

6 years ago
I was thinking about 1v1. Is it a problem in big teams? I thought people were too eager to !voteresign early there, and even if not, hunting down the fleaman should happen faster when there's 10 guys doing it.
+1 / -0
6 years ago
So godde gets a free win button if he is 500 whr above his opponent?
+4 / -0
6 years ago
Godde only needs a few hundred more elonz, then he won't even be able to match with anyone.
+0 / -0
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