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Co-op Campaign

9 posts, 971 views
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6 years ago
If you play with mutiple people you know the cancer that happens because you all share the same units. I wish their was a way to give units to my friends so they can have their own seperated armys that i can't fuck with and neither can anyone else. Like in dawn of war 2 co-op for example it splits up units into diff colors and everything for the campaign. When i try to give units to someone in game by pressing tab and gifting units it gives it back to me and if i give the commander my commander explodes.

I do not know if the devs are reading this but if you are make it so i can give friends units so i can have a good expierence

If any good players are reading this help me xD
+0 / -0
6 years ago
we also have this issue. our work around is cntr group
+0 / -0
I full 100% agree with this. A have only played the campiagn so far, and with a friend. I would love to have a new faction for every player you can just give an engineer to and then have them go on their way.
+0 / -0
Would require I guess a team player that doesn't instantly die without units (and can therefore start without any)?

Might teamspec and backup players help with that ?

(With a teamvote to move players between *normal*, *coop*, teamspec and *backup*... and perhaps a one-way spectator ?)

See also this thread :

An idea : change XrayHaloSelections so that its color is the *average* of all of the coop allies selecting that unit.
Would prevent the clusterfucks when there's more than two players co-oping, like this 4 players example.
(better, but probably more work : make the selection a "pie chart circle" instead of average.)

Somewhat related, might be of interest :
Mumble integration : spectators are linked to team channels - they can hear whats said in team channels, but team players cannot (same as chat works).
+0 / -0
I don't remember, but I think when I've lost ALL my units in a team game, I can still ask for a con and keep playing. Just add some feature to un-comshare, like a "Divorce" button that takes all selected units and breaks them and you off back into your own team.
+1 / -0

6 years ago
Unfortunately due to the way stuff is implemented in Spring I believe it is far easier to merge players (by removing one) than it is to separate them.
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Divorce would be possible in the coop campaign by adding dummy empty teams. What about another approach? Do you think setting Selection Rank to zero on units that you have allocated to your ally would be sufficient?
+0 / -0

6 years ago
The selection rank zero works fine in AI War, so I would say it'll probably work well here.

(You can easily click on stuff to select it, or drag select a bunch of endangered ally units, but in cases where you both have units it's almost impossible to select them by accident because all of the selection tools preferentially go for your own units)

If that's easy, try that first by all means!
+0 / -0

6 years ago
Zero-K has a selection rank state toggle that is local to your computer. Even spectators can set it for themselves. CArank[SOTR]Hancock could you see if it is enough? If it is good then perhaps some sort of automatic system could be created. Perhaps selection rank zero could be inherited through construction when in commshare.
+0 / -0