Neither of you 2 make any sense as a clear fact, Dr.Kran has an better understanding of physics than you do.
The icon above shows that time itself as another form of light and his device which has altering capability is more physical to that light than other physical objects.
Light is a surface to light
'Light -' Light = Mathimatical change with complex prisms
katastrophe, you made that up unless Dr.Kran was foolish enough to give the tech to someone outside his faction, but that doesn't look like a thinkable thing for someone like him to do. It's more like you to say junk that doesn't make sense. He even made something that doesn't make sense look comprehensible and showed that it was off-topic calculations that doesn't seem to be true or look right.
I'll also like to say that my invention the saboteur will enter a building and self destruct but since he has access to time control and probably sealed gates, there would be no way my gadgets could penetrate.
I could also use laser cutters to get in though.
If you can't control time, simply Infiltrate with sabotage but there's no way of knowing how his data is stored.
@Dr.Kran : you're always impressive and I admire your knowledge the scyfi.
Orfelius : your knowledge of only angels such as blind sources doesn't make Dr.Kran's fact wrong, you would need to have the full calculations like he does but his image isn't fully understood by anyone who doesn't know math well, I can give you a heads up and say do the math part because "It isn't and doesn't" isn't very mathimatical or clever.
You used a basic science called time travel or control but you don't even know how it works, neither does google and everyone knows that google isn't the source of all corners of calculations.
Dr.Kran : I also like the word you used 'calculist' it sounds nerdy.