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Should Quake terraform/damage buildings?

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7 years ago
Or is it already renamed? You know, the seismic tacmissile.

Maybe deal damage on a per tile basis like fire
+0 / -0
I would like if buildings were affected by terraform, maybe with increased hardness to emulate a foundation.

Use tremor to water down terraformed defense lines.
+1 / -0

7 years ago
To be clear, buildings should not be affected by constructor terraform. Then you would be able to make a structure and bury/raise it later, removing most reasons to invest in terraform before you build it.

Quake should not damage buildings either. That would be a case of special damages. Also remember that some other weapons have smoothing.

I think it would be reasonable for smoothing to affect structures. It would take a bit to implement in a nice way. Structures should be placed on sufficiently flat terrain and remain on flat terrain after the effects of smoothing.
+1 / -0
Funny as it is to see a Crab on top of a perfect 2x2 pillar where a picket once was, perhaps it would be better to smooth buildings out as well.
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7 years ago
By dynamically increasing terrain hardness around buildings, post-building terraform would be more expensive. Wouldn't this achieve a similar effect to what AUrankAdminGoogleFrog wants or is there another gameplay reason not to allow building terraform?
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7 years ago
Maybe a Cerberus safely built under a shield, then raised to reach everyone's base might be a bad idea.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
Please use unit pics, there have been too many renames..

What's the difference between your scenario and just building the shield higher up? Shields also don't offer protection really. If you're talking about a terraform shield, why not just build a wall in front of your Weapon and then terraform it away once completed.
+0 / -0

7 years ago
CHrankAdminDeinFreund terraform does not have any notion of terrain I don't want to deal with structures being affected by terraform. What happens if the pyramid of a terraform hits a structure, does the entire structure start going up? What if this goes recursive? I'm not putting the work in to make this happen and, from a gameplay perspective, I don't think it should happen. Varying terraform cost based on some artificial terrain hardness will make costs even harder to understand. I think it is a bit ridiculous that people would be able to adjust their turrets up and down after they are built. A post-construction safety cost for economy is likely worth paying because you often only need the safety much later in the game.

I already don't expect to make any changes to smoothing any time soon. However, the smoothing part of the gadget is fairly self contained so it is not entirely impossible that someone could make a reasonable PR to implement the change.
+0 / -0
Possible damage model for quake vs buildings: a building can cancel some volume of terrain deformation by instead losing hitpoints (and spawning an appropriate number of dust clouds). If damage is too large, the building explodes (but still limits the terraform effect).

Gauss on a spire hit with a Quake now takes massive damage, but maintains the spire as long as it is alive. Gauss on flat land hit with a Quake takes no damage. A Gauss that failed to tank this damage blows up and remains sitting on a half-flattened ruin of a spire.

Pickets on a cliff edge just blow up in hilarious quantities.
+1 / -0
the real question is, why does it not have on impact an losized impulse and throw units around the whole universe. and beyond. where is the fun?
+4 / -0
7 years ago
yeah we need gravity missile
+0 / -0
7 years ago
making it a grav wep would be a cool idea. ive never seen the quake used except to destroy a terraformed wall in front of a geothermal on icy run once.
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