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Freaker UP - should it get the rez instead of Necro?

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13 years ago
* Freaker with 9 BP and 650 HP costs 240, 2.25 speed and is not AT, jump need some micro
* Weaver with 9 BP and 750 HP costs 200, 1.8 speed and is AT.
* Necro with 6 BP and 660 HP costs 130, 2 speed and is not AT, but has Rezz.

I would prefer to build 1.7 Necros or 1.2 Weavers instead of a single Freaker - that's not only more scaleable early game, but also more efficient if you spread them for metal spots or have more build power.

We should buff Freakers HP, give it a bit more speed, reduce the cost, or even give it rez instead of the shield bot constructor.

If Necro costs only 120 but loses rez and Freaker get rez and costs 300 + has 12 build power + has 2.4 speed or more HP it would be much cooler.
The shield bot con can get a shield :)
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13 years ago
Yeah, I never understood why Shieldbots lab got the rez ability. It doesn't really fit into the theme of the lab. It definitely makes more sense for the Jump/SPECIALTY lab to get the rez ability.
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13 years ago
No, it shall be the cloaky getting it... cloaky way to create unit... lol or airborn -
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13 years ago
I think Freaker is fine. It has jump and speed, both are very important.

As for Rez it could take that ability. Necro rez is not there for any good reason.
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13 years ago
Reduce the cost for the Freaker?
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13 years ago
Rez does not fit into the theme of shieldlab, would fit much better for specialist, since it already has the puppy which works with reclaim, pyros that use wrecks to their advantage by being able to shoot through. Would fit much better into the theme.
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13 years ago
The question is, what awesome would the shieldcon get in place of the rez? Or would it just be plain n' boring?
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13 years ago
Giving it a shield was suggested. This could work...
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13 years ago
Agreed. Giving the shieldbot con a shield would make sense, as for one thing it would make it better support to Thug+Felon, and it fits the lab.
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13 years ago
Maybe shield could be added. I think a major change would be health because constructor attributes really show during the expansion and raiding part of the game. In that phase shields would not be useful.
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13 years ago
with 120 metal costs, it could be the cheapest mobile source of buildpower right after the ship constructor.
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13 years ago
Jump > AT, it's simple as that. Both allow you to climb almost any hill, jump additionally allows you to pass some rivers. It needs more micro tho', yup.
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13 years ago
dont forget jump is 10x faster than AT on a hill.
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13 years ago
Necro with shield + 1 LLT could beat few rockos or beat 1 Scorcher.
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13 years ago
I've got a NeonStormesque elaborate re-jiggering of the labs floating about in Google Docs that I won't bore you with, but basic idea for a new Shieldbot con special power:

Idle-only shield. The shield has a low maximum and a fast regen so it's good for bringing the shields of other shielded units up from zero.

However, it is only "on" when the Shield Con is immobile and not working. When the shield-con starts working, it turns "off" and disappears quickly.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
No, I really like the idea of a shielded con. I would give it a shorter build range to FORCE it to build units inside the shield.

That would allow a shield con to erect an LLT or defender while under light fire from scouts. How often does one of your cons die just before it erects an LLT that could save it?

IMO, this makes the unit WAY more interesting, and allows us to place the rez ability in the Jump factory, which also makes more sense. The ability to rez a unit seems like more of a "special" ability, while the ability to build while under fire seems like more of an "assault" ability.
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13 years ago
I like the idea of a shielded con and giving rez ability to freaker, it feels very consistent. On the insignificant side, Necro would then need a new name, for consistency...
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13 years ago
If you're going to give it the rez take its jump... one unit with all the special/fun skills feels ... OP? maybe.. I do like the idea of the shieldbot con getting a shield and not having the rez, but I just don't like the idea of two special/fun skills in one fac's con bot...
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13 years ago
The jumpject factory theme seems to be several special abilities per unit. Pyro can jump, fire through units and set things on fire. Jump itself has many uses. Puppy replicates and dies on attack.
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13 years ago
If you gave Necro a shield how would it compare to Thug in terms of regen, size and capacity? Would Necro be able to cost more for the shield? It is currently the cheapest constructor but the cost difference to Rector is small enough that I don't think 'cheapest constructor' is a particularly important thing to maintain.
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