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Title: 1v1: All welcome!
Host: CZrankElerium
Game version: Zero-K v1.4.5.0
Engine version: 100.0
Battle ID: 414359
Started: 8 years ago
Duration: 9 minutes
Players: 2
Bots: False
Mission: False
Rating: Competitive
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Team 1
Chance of victory: 84.3%

Team 2
Chance of victory: 15.7%


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8 years ago
I think Hovercraft is underrated.

Here are three games which form a series, if CArankAdminShadowfury333 needs something to cast:
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I wonder if it is more "difficult to play" than underrated.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Yeah I think they're really very good, but are difficult to play. Similar to JJ in 1v1.

Dagger is more of a counter unit than a raider. It can't threaten commanders and has more difficulty vs. defenses than other raiders. It's great at exerting map control vs. particular things, but does not scale as well as other raiders do.

Halbs scale really well, but are difficult to control. I'd like to be able to switch them 'on' and 'off' with a key press. That would make utilising them effectively much easier. On top of this, they're designed to be repaired, which is another layer of logistics for the player.

So compared to LV with scorchers which can be maneuvered to basically kill anything short of skydust, you need to be alternating between two raiders with high attention requirements.

Add to that that mace is high weight for a riot (the higher the weight the more difficult to effectively utilise), and it's no wonder that hovers are mostly relegated to teams room scalp spam.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Casted on YouTube

I think Slashers might also be underrated.
+2 / -0

8 years ago
Slasher vs Hover certainly changes the style of the game. The Hover player cannot contain so effectively when Slashers are out. However, Halberd is very good against Slashers.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
I think Hovercraft is underrated.

By who? Scalpel spam is/was very common ever since the overpowered missile buff. Halberd spam has been a common counter to many things for years. Just like light vehicles, hovers have always been really good provided pathing doesn't fail on you, which is something that's very likely unless you focus on preventing it or play on maps where it's not an issue.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Underrated for 1v1. Pathing hasn't failed on terrain for years.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
CArankAdminShadowfury333 I've noticed you called Daggers Glaives twice! :D

USrankCapricis Darts!

Pathing hasn't failed on terrain for years.

Or maybe you just always forget because you've grown used to it being awful over the years and adjusted your playstyle/input to it. I guess it's something like muscle memory or however you call it.

Here's one occasion from SF's linked cast. There's probably some more but I'm not sure about them because not all move commands are visible all the time.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Ah yes, I am probably remembering how much worse it used to be.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
Would darts really work you think? I have a hugely poor impression of them. They seem to miss a lot, possibly inconsistent fire rate while moving... More speed but less range, 6 shots to kill daggers. And twice as cheap but the higher the numbers the more effective gauss is. Haven't used them much tho.
+1 / -0

8 years ago
Daggers are reasonably good antiraiders, probably 2nd or 3rd to Ducks and Kodachi. But like with other two, the best way to counter them is cons spam, then mex+LLT. They are made of paper and can't kill anything tougher than usual raider (read LLT). The critical mistake from USrankCapricis side was that he tried to deal with antiraider unit with raiders, instead of making 3-4 scorchers blob and raid naked enemy mexes.

As far as suggestions in the cast:
* Darts would never work against daggers. It's single worst counter from LV fac.
* Slashers are tricky. In most cases they won't even live a minute after being spotted, because they are easy prey for Halberds. Halberds have armor and speed to deal with slashers and then run away reasonably far from chasing scorchers. I personally wouldn't try slashers against Hovers.

So early game I would go cons + LLT strategy + few scorchers to fend off halberds and poke enemy mexes just to keep enemy busy making defense. Midgame the best probably would be to spread Wolverine cancer. At least they can do limited kiting vs incoming halberds or daggers. Also LVs have one of the best, if not the best, AA (rangy, fast-moving and good alpha), so knowing AUrankAdminGoogleFrog likes to airswitch, then shut it down with Crashers.
+2 / -0
* Darts would never work against daggers. It's single worst counter from LV fac.

lel, obvious lobster is obvious

USrankCapricis Darts can be super efficient against Daggers. Darts have 120 HP against Dagger's 110 damage per shot, so for 40m a Dart can eat 220 dmg worth of shots, for comparison, a 130m Scorcher can only eat 440 dmg. This can become more extreme as Dagger numbers (and hence their potential overkill) increases. The reason this is so efficient is the tactic Daggers heavily rely on: go in, burst down a target or two and retreat. To clarify, you don't need to go pure Darts, you can mix them with Scorchers.

On top of that Darts have more movement speed and sight distance than Daggers. Without Darts your enemy will always have more sight distance than your LV raider army. [?] This completely turns around the vision advantage, especially considering Darts cost half as much as a Dagger and can be spread out all over the map. In other words you should be dominating the vision game and get to choose which battles to take.

If you still get in a bad situation, then like I said just use a Dart or two as cannon fodder to force Daggers to retreat or engage in a battle without their powerful first burst bonus. You can also use Darts to scout and potentially harass an enemy's expansion (eg. while their army is busy). Darts can survive one Defender missile and occasionally escape, two Darts can kill a lone Defender and their DPS/cost is alright. In theory a Dart never needs to die, provided you have enough APM.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Darts can be super efficient against Daggers.

What you wrote is hard to believe, so I'd appreciate seeing replay, where darts of equal cost "super-efficiently" beat daggers. I've just run my tests and got opposite result (5 daggers vs 10 darts, 4 daggers and 0 darts survived).

P.S. Better edit out your idiotic personal insult or I'll report you.
+0 / -0
Skasi hasn't expressed it very clearly (it is buried in the post a bit) but the idea is not to use pure Dart, or indeed even mostly Dart as your army.

The purpose behind mixing in some Darts is:

- Cheap scouting
- Raiding mex
- Ablative shield for your other units

In most matchups Scorcher fills those roles well enough (though especially for scouting Dart is always useful early), but against Daggers (and Scalpels) the Scorcher has a poor matchup and does not do so well.

(Incidentally pure Dart does beat a reasonable number of Scalpels and is hard for Halberds to kill, IIRC. If you can kill your opponents' Maces, or if they neglected to make any, Hover is left without a way to kill many Darts quickly.)

You should not build no Scorchers (it is your best answer to Halberds I think, and if you can get them past the Daggers they are still your best raider) but in comparison to most other matchups they are far less useful.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I'm not sure which substances Skasi is using. Even with overkill for Daggers and speed advantage for Darts it's super one sided in favour of Daggers.

All these other stats don't matter much if Darts don't shoot due to failing to turn their turrets fast enough or miss their shots.
+2 / -0
If I made Darts in the matchup it would be with no intention of them ever actually shooting at a Dagger. They're for shooting at mex, shooting at Scalpels, and baiting Scalpel missiles into the enemy army. Also vision, and maybe baiting Dagger shots in a small scale engagement.
+0 / -0
8 years ago
RUrankivand, EErank[ISP]Lauri lern 2 read. ZK is an RTS game, not RPS. Units don't need to kill x for cost face on to be useful - see Mex, fac radar, razor, terraform. Even CArankAdminShadowfury333 figures it out on stream.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
The critical mistake from USrankCapricis side was that he tried to deal with antiraider unit with raiders, instead of making 3-4 scorchers blob and raid naked enemy mexes.
Daggers out-speed and out-vision Scorchers so I doubt he would get close to mexes. My plan when using Daggers is to build no defenses because Dagger can always move to intercept a raid.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
Daggers out-speed and out-vision Scorchers so I doubt he would get close to mexes. My plan when using Daggers is to build no defenses because Dagger can always move to intercept a raid.

Fair point, however if scorchers retreat/kite they usually do well vs daggers. So if USrankCapricis had outmaneuvered you and been in position to attack naked mexes, then chasing daggers gang would have had hard time killing them.
+0 / -0

8 years ago
I'm not saying Daggers don't have uses in the matchup.

However, a claim like this
Darts can be super efficient against Daggers.
followed by an analysis of Dagger vs Dart overkill mechanics does imply you are suggesting players could use Darts to fight Daggers.

Even with the disclaimer
To clarify, you don't need to go pure Darts
it still seems like you are suggesting going pure Darts vs Daggers is an option. Even if it wasn't your intention it is pretty simple to interpret your statements this way.

Even CArankAdminShadowfury333 figures it out on stream

I watched the VOD earlier and wanted to point out Darts don't really work. However, you came up with a similar and even stronger statement yourself so I just responded to you.
+1 / -0
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