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Random Crash

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9 years ago
When im playing the game my computer makes an error sound than the game crashes can anybody help me?
+2 / -0
has zk worked before?
can you play other modern games?
is your graphics card and/or other system specs ok .. things like ram?
do you have dependencies like (develop mono if your on a linux) i dont know what windows needs.. maybe .net and maybe visual c++ or direct x or something?
do you have a firewall or av blocking it?
in my .spring folder (might be hidden) i have an info log file and it may have a clue in it for you??
+0 / -0
I have Windows and it always crashes every time ive tried it ive never hade the money to get a modern games but ive got some FTP games like robocraft , and unturned also some other games like kerbal space program! but no games like cod. I just disabled firewall for Zero-K and i havent tried it yetok it did it again
+0 / -0
For direct help it's best to ask in the #zk chat channel, so we can assist you on the spot.

In order to be able to help it would be nice if you could show us your infolog after the game crashed.
You can find it under
%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Spring\infolog.txt

Alternatively, if you have zero-k lobby open, go to Settings->Game Diagnostic Log to see the infolog. (See Skasi's pic)
Then upload it to a page like paste.springfiles.com. If you noticed any error messages it would also be helpful to know about them.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
i have played those games you mentioned =) those do count as modern games.. i mean as long as your pc is not some super old thing.. like plays ascendancy only
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Addition to CHrankAdminDeinFreund**'s advice, if you are using the official Zero-K lobby then you can find the so-called infolog as shown in the picture:

This file contains valuable information when dealing with crashes and similar issues.
+2 / -0
9 years ago
for the last year my linux mint cinimon with mono develop has crashed on exit after each battle.. i have to force exit..


also my default login is wrong and i have to re-enter it each time.. i tried putting do not remember password or profile in and nothing seems to work how do i kill my login information so i can set it up correctly? and yes iv tried everything =P
+0 / -0
AUrankSmokeDragon did you just hijack USrankTecrixo 's thread?

How about you put these issues on github?
The infolog seems cut off at the end where the crash happens. I think there's an option to force flush somewhere...
+1 / -0
my infolog

I dont know if this is any help
+0 / -0
Hmm am I drunk or did the last few lines before the crash suggest that voice commands were used?
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;armca;Crane
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;blastwing;Blastwing
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;bladew;Gnat
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;armkam;Banshee
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;gunshipsupport;Rapier
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;armbrawl;Brawler
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;blackdawn;Black Dawn
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;corcrw;Krow
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;gunshipaa;Trident
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;corvalk;Valkyrie
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@add;corbtrans;Vindicator
[f=0018902] !transmitlobby @voice@buildUnit@reload
[f=0020894] Error: Spring 100.0 has crashed.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
ok here is the end of the log .. it wont close after game exits to lobby.. i have to command close it or it wont load next game if it launches.

+0 / -0

9 years ago
Skasi no, I usually have those lines as well and I'm controlling Spring with rapidly oscillating electromagnetic fields.

We need a mage here to guess what happened in the 2000 ticks(~ 1 minute) between !transmitlobby and crash.
+0 / -0
Im not sure what a "voice command" is

Also is there a way to put more ram to the program?
+0 / -0
maybe increase page or swap?

aslo a mage wont figure it out.. they just make a spell and bing.. it works impossibly
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I dont know if this is any help
It could potentially be helpful, but maybe more for engine developers.
Chances are better if posting here: https://springrts.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=11 or here: https://springrts.com/mantis/

Now for the useless speculations. Before crashing the game worked for some minutes, so there is chance to get it working better.
You can rejoin running games. Try that and see if it crashes at the same time again.
If yes: Good, now figure out what special thing happens at that time.
If no: Now you can at least continue to play.
Before rejoining make copy of the infolog.txt because it gets overwritten.

Inserting the log into http://stacktranslate.springrts.com/index.php gives:
translated with links to github source ('100.0 master' detected)
module address file line
C:\Users\triston\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\100.0\OpenAL32.dll 0x6B6255A7 ?? 0
audio related?
+0 / -0
9 years ago
ok here is the end of the log .. it wont close after game exits to lobby.. i have to command close it or it wont load next game if it launches.

That log is from a different game. (map is different)
It also looks like in that log game was exited normally:
[f=0000000] [QuitAction] user exited to system

Always post full logs, remember logfile gets overwritten each time you start a new game.
+1 / -0
9 years ago
it was from a dif game yes.. but its every game and i always have to force close it.. i guess ill wait and try to make it agree its crashed =P
+0 / -0
Much details, such helpful report! WOW!
edit: right I see infolog, but initial message was kind of lulzish
+0 / -0