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Some newb questions

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* Is there a convenient way to launch tac missles, or do I always need to go to the silo and click on one?

* Is it possible to pause nuke silos from building / draining resources? (I realize you can decrease their drain by putting more build power onto something else.)

* Is terraforming in Chiken games considered cheating or something that is otherwise typically not done?

* Are there Chiken maps good for 1 player defending? It seems most are geared towards at least two players.

* Are there hotkeys to make units in factories?

* Is there a way to see which mods (or whatever the stuff in the f11 menue is called) you enabled/disabled compared to the default, or otherwise reset them?

* Is there a tutorial on the various static defences somewhere? I know I can get some description and stuff such as range and DPS by spacebar-left-click, though it's not trivial to spot deviations from what you'd expect (such as higher cost = longer range but lower DPS/cost) when there are so many.

* Is there a list of profile badges one can achieve, and is it possible to see what the requirements are for one I already got?

* How do you upvote a forum post? Do you need to have a certain minimum number of posts or account age, or am I being blind and not seeing the button?

* How come I got no badge on my profile for doing this? http://www.twitch.tv/entropygames/v/25581993

Feel free to link relevant docs for specific questions and be all "RTFM" :)
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Check the site, there's a manual and wiki with lots of information

Things that are not in there:
Silo: I think you could use alt+ a number to assign missiles to an autogroup, you can also issue an attack command directly to the silo, but then it will keep attacking the same spot.
You can use build priorities to manage which project gets resources first. You can also use the wait command. (Not sure what hotkey is now).

Terra in chickens is fine, harder chickens can kinda deal with it.

You need a certain level to up or downvote.
+1 / -0

9 years ago
-I think tehre isn't other way to launh tac missiles from silo. Its counted as unit and there is 4 missile types.
-You can pause if you just reclaim some metal form nuke silo. Otherwise you can build limited count nukes or set silo priority on low *there are options in right side in unit screen).
-Terraforming in chicken games int cheating because its allowed. Of course if you dig in some units and chickens cant kill them then it will be cheating. Terraform is cheating against CAI bot however still allowed in game.
-There is hotkey for each unit in factory. Still i didnt use them..
-I never see any tutorial about defense building. I think it's beacsue most players dislike use many defense buildins who is called 'porc'. One thing you however must to remeber - always lotos or defender to you factoy is needed. Then you 100% will get 1800 elo. :D
-You need at least level ten to vote in forum.As i remeber. It was neccesary because of smurf accounts (fake account).
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Haven't played this game in ages, but what i remember ill try to answer.

* Is there a convenient way to launch tac missles, or do I always need to go to the silo and click on one?

For as far i know, not. You have to select the missile manually and shoot it. You kinda have to since there are 4 types of missiles. You can hotkey the silo though and double tap the unit group to focus camera on the silo though

* Is it possible to pause nuke silos from building / draining resources? (I realize you can decrease their drain by putting more build power onto something else.)

With "W", which "Waits" (Please correct me if i'm wrong on this one)

* Is terraforming in Chiken games considered cheating or something that is otherwise typically not done?
nope, there are no rules in love and chicken games.

* Are there Chiken ma5ps good for 1 player defending? It seems most are geared towards at least two players.
Any smaller map without will work.

* Are there hotkeys to make units in factories?
Not by default, but it is possible. Requires fiddling with config files

* Is there a way to see which mods (or whatever the stuff in the f11 menue is called) you enabled/disabled compared to the default, or otherwise reset them?
Good one, no idea :S

* Is there a tutorial on the various static defences somewhere? I know I can get some description and stuff such as range and DPS by spacebar-left-click, though it's not trivial to spot deviations from what you'd expect (such as higher cost = longer range but lower DPS/cost) when there are so many.
You can have multiple stat window open at the same time in game, so that should help a bit. Also look at the unit guide zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide

* Is there a list of profile badges one can achieve, and is it possible to see what the requirements are for one I already got?
There are not many profile badges for as far i know. There are three indicators: one for your rank (color and hat of the little profile picture), one for ingame time (stripes and stars in game) and one for amount donated (color of the big star on the forums)

* How do you upvote a forum post? Do you need to have a certain minimum number of posts or account age, or am I being blind and not seeing the button?
yes, you need some ammount of ingame time or lvl or something before you can up/down vote. Someone here will tell you the exact figure?

* How come I got no badge on my profile for doing this? http://www.twitch.tv/entropygames/v/25581993
Awesome to see ppl make online content for ZK :-)

Feel free to link relevant docs for specific questions and be all "RTFM" :)

good links:

+0 / -0

9 years ago
+0 / -0
9 years ago
There are hotkeys for everything. There is some option to enable their use by default in factories, otherwise you need to press space or alt to get the hoykey to pop up. Comb through the options menu or the f11 menu(but options menu first).

As for defensive structures, the two most common used ones are the defender(missile tower) and llt(lotus light laser tower). Defenders do damage in bursts, and are used mostly for space control and cleaning up an occasional raider or two. They also function as light anti air.

LLT's are a bit stronger tower, with shorter range and more damage. They are used as a light defense against raiders as well. People will usually put these near mexes.

Stardusts are used as a heavy anti-light unit defense. These can kill countless raiders and require a special response.

Stingers are your expensive anti-heavy tower. People build these in an area they want to control well, such as the top of a hill, or near a choke-point. Do not make many of these - most people make less than 1 on average per game.

Razors and Hacksaws are your anti-air towers. Build these to protect things from air unit.

The rest of the towers shouldn't be used unless you have a bit of experience, because they are very expensive and you can hurt yourself making them.
+0 / -0
A comprehensive answer because the former ones are chaotic and lacking.

* Is there a convenient way to launch tac missles, or do I always need to go to the silo and click on one?

Not really. It is possible to make custom hotkeys but it's fairly difficult and no default way to do that.

* Is it possible to pause nuke silos from building / draining resources? (I realize you can decrease their drain by putting more build power onto something else.)

The order menu has a button with a three missiles icon and a 0/100 (or so) label. This is how many nukes are ordered, it works the same as unit queue in factories, ie. you can right-click to decrease it. Ctrl+Shift+RMB will decrease it by 100, same as factory - Shift is x5, Ctrl is x20 when dealing with fac orders.

In the future the Wait command (Ctrl+W) will most likely be able to pause stockpile as well.

* Is terraforming in Chiken games considered cheating or something that is otherwise typically not done?

Feel free to use everything you consider fun. It's effective but not considered cheating (nothing is, really - Chickens is not a competitive mode, it's mostly for dicking around).

* Are there Chiken maps good for 1 player defending? It seems most are geared towards at least two players.

You can use anything as a Chicken map. Pick a normal 1v1 map and perhaps reduce the Chicken difficulty (through game options and picking the Custom difficulty) to get the appropriate level of challenge.

* Are there hotkeys to make units in factories?

F10 menu: Settings -> HUD Panels -> Command Panel.
Check "Hotkeys for Units tab" here.
You will need to hold Space. If you uncheck "Unit tab hotkeys require Meta" you will not need to do that, but beware that this makes it impossible to use hotkeys to give the factory an order queue for completed units.

* Is there a way to see which mods (or whatever the stuff in the f11 menue is called) you enabled/disabled compared to the default, or otherwise reset them?

They're "widgets". To reset them go to your content folder (in the lobby: [Settings] -> [Open Game Data Folder]), from there go to LuaUI and delete the Config folder (the one that contains ZK_data and ZK_order files). Ideally you should instead use the F10 menu for settings though.

* Is there a tutorial on the various static defences somewhere? I know I can get some description and stuff such as range and DPS by spacebar-left-click, though it's not trivial to spot deviations from what you'd expect (such as higher cost = longer range but lower DPS/cost) when there are so many.

Not an official one, apart from the Space+Click info. Here is an unofficial guide but beware that it is outdated and was never really fact-checked in the first place. It's probably best to experiment a bit ingame to see how they feel though.

* Is there a list of profile badges one can achieve, and is it possible to see what the requirements are for one I already got?

Do you mean the awards you can get at the end of each game? The list is here.

* How do you upvote a forum post? Do you need to have a certain minimum number of posts or account age, or am I being blind and not seeing the button?

You need to be account level 10. Then you can just click on the appropriate +X/-Y button.

* How come I got no badge on my profile for doing this? http://www.twitch.tv/entropygames/v/25581993

Awards (ie. badges) are for comparative performance. Sorry, not good enough! ;P
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Thanks so much for those detailed replies! I'll have to come back once I'm level 10 to upvote those :)

> Awards (ie. badges) are for comparative performance. Not good enough! ;P

I figured this demonstrated a competitive level of unintentional killing of own units and general noobness.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
PLrankAdminSprung seemed the most correct by far.

Community badges sound like a good idea. Streamer, caster, map maker, extensive wiki editing etc...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Are there Chiken maps good for 1 player defending? It seems most are geared towards at least two players.

http://zero-k.info/Maps/DetailName?name=Mininuggets_v3 is a classic.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Watched the video. There was a suggestion to have the Starlight start as 'off'.

This is doable through the game menu (for all units and most of the unit states).
F10 -> Game -> Initial Unit States.

Having this by default has been suggested a few times but then you get newbies who don't know about the On/Off toggle and cannot use the building. In most cases the stuff teamkilled by a Starlight does not matter at all because the Starlight is so powerful you pretty much win the game the moment you turn it on.
+0 / -0
Apparently I've gotten the supreme LOBSTER award. Thanks so much to whoever put this on my profile!

Edit: What! It went away now :(
+1 / -0
9 years ago
Pff that's nothing..

+1 / -0
1. No
2. Use "w" for wait
3. No
4. This one is the best for 1 player chickens http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/23675
5. No
6. Don't think so. They are called widgets.
7. http://zero-k.info/Static/UnitGuide#staticweapons
8. There are only awards to earn after each game: http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/20344. Gonna catch them all!
9. You have to be level 10 (or 20 I cant remember)
10. Shameless advertising I see, nice

ps. If some dev reads it: 1st 3rd and 5th are all very good points and would nice to have them be corrected accordingly.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Hotkeys for making units from factories can be set manually (look in the menu under game -> construction hotkeys or some such). Would be good if it had an interface more like the hotkeys for building construction such that the hotkeys could overlap with other things, though.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Profile badges sound like an interesting idea. Currently the closest we have to that are special awards (that is, tourney cups).
+0 / -0
There also used to be this badge:
+0 / -0
9 years ago
http://zero-k.info/Maps/DetailName?name=Mininuggets_v3 is a classic.
Despite its bugged texture.. (see map comments)
I do not know of a "real" chickenmenu for one.
Of course one can play Chickens on any map, but it plays different than special chickenmaps because of metalspots/layout.
One can use modoptions to increase metaloutput and then any map becomes winnable/playable, but I think the map still needs some nice place to defend. Like a hill, crater, or something man-made looking, or just interessting terrain.

Some small maps, that in middle of decent metalspots:
http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/7876 Ternion
http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/7325 DesertTriad
http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/21018 Vernal
http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/7608 MoonQ10 (start in big crater)
Bit small but still fun if you do not nessecarily plan to "win."

* Is terraforming in Chiken games considered cheating or something that is otherwise typically not done?
I guess terraform can be abused to make stuff unkillable (for chicken) or confuse their pathing. But nice thing about singleplayer is that you can make your own rules and decide how you want to play, what is cheating, what is fun, or just build stuff because it looks cool,...it is sandbox mode.

Instead of trying to survive waves until Queen, can make up your own goals/rules...
+0 / -0

9 years ago
As far as I can recall, terraform does not break chicken games. This is good to know when you are deciding whether to use it or not. Terraform fortresses can fall to their Lobber artillery and spider chickens.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I think it is already huge plus how nanoturrets can hide behind walls or in holes. (safe eggs reclaim)
And being able to make hills for more turrets in back, once the first porc line is full.
+0 / -0
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