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Proposal for upgrades and unlocks


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9 years ago


  • to give something to look for - important both early on and for long term players
  • to hide expensive team wrecking stuff from newbies players temporarily
  • to reward active players and reward victory more
  • to give feeling of identification with commander and self improvement


  • after each game, player is given XP points
  • XP are used to level up, each level up can be used to unlock one item
  • unlocks/upgrades auto apply to all games except when its turned off by modoptions

Scoring and cost proposal


  • for winning game 20 + 9`*` teamEloGain/(2 + winning_team_size)
  • for losing game 10 + 3`*` (32-teamEloLose) / (2 + losing_team_size)
  • 150XP for achieving top score in a mission
  • playing multiplayer chickens or missions 20XP, winning chickens or MP mission 40XP
  • points awarded based on personal best in a singleplayer or multiplayer chicken game, based on queen anger, + damage dealt to queen + time taken to kill queen.


  • cost = level`*`80 + 20 `*` level^2
# 100
# 240
# 420
# 680
# 900
# 1200


  • new commander type (recon etc)
  • module for given commander type. Cost of morph is based on modules selected for commander.
  • non-essential factories
  • superweapon

Feedback and presentation

  • each game has webpage showing what XP each player got and what awards
  • player without ZKL can be sent PM by autohost informing him about his progress after a game or on leveling up
  • upon level up player can visit site and pick unlock - list of items to buy
  • each player has personal webpage which shows his choices, his level, his XP, his lobby time rank, his current planetwars rank and his elo skill rank.
  • personal page also show statistics like chickens killed, awards counts, missions won
  • there are rating tables based on various measured statistics

Proposed list

  • Factories
    • Shieldbot, jumpjet, plane, specops
  • Defenses
    • Newton, Chainsaw, Screamer, Anni, DDM
  • Units
    • Scythe, Dominatrix, Panther, Goliath, Black Dawn, Licho, Krow, Reef
  • Superweapons
    • EMP missile, Behemoth, Bertha, Starlight
  • Mechs
    • Bantha, Jugglenaut, Detriment
  • Misc.
    • Adv fus

Advanced/future stuff

  • player can shuffle modules on commander (pick which one to use - you might want to use less to have cheaper morph)
  • ability to "sell" unlock - probably one per level
  • commander banners with self made avatar/logo (unlockable too). Size of banner can reflect some stats like level or elo
+0 / -0
9 years ago
I agree with 99% of this post, with the exception of having to unlock factories/non-strider units.
Noobs should have an even playing field.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I assume this is an old document being migrated since it references units that no longer exist.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Yeah it's ancient.

I'm okay with unlocking the more advanced units. Many new players seem drawn to bad combinations like flies. Mass hammer, fusion rush (unconnected), storage or pylon spam, solo strider rush, impaler spam... IMO the game would be better for all involved if players tried these things out only once they had acquired the skills to understand what they're for.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Blastwing. If there's one unit in the whole freaking game that needs to be kept away from the newbies, it's the blastwing.
+0 / -0
This document is from March 17, 2011. (list of wiki stuff) It should probably be removed together with other completely outdated wiki entries. More than half the things here are from 2011-2013 and some were bad/wrong/outdated even back then.
+3 / -0
9 years ago
Damn I hoped for the Jugglenaut :(
+0 / -0
9 years ago
can we have a forum admin please date-shift things in this wiki-subforum to be older? It's cluttering up the forum index view. which i use a lot.
+1 / -0