I would like it if the unlock system get's completely reworked in the opposite direction - less RPG-based.
I would appricate it if different hosts ( FFA, TEAM, ... ) have different unlocks.
Or at least would unlock some FFA-important units.
If someone builds a unit ingame, this unit should be unlocked for the whole team.
If one team makes the second or third unit of this type, it should be unlocked for everyone.
If newbes wait a moment to make their lab, they could get access to other stuff.
The most stupid thing is to lock the air lab.
We could lock the difficult spiders too - I hope you know what I want to say :P
We should auto-unlock some important things with level advancement.
Lab-specific units should be unlocked with XPs because of different favourised labs.
Com-Cassies should get a really high level requirement.
Disco-Rave-Party should be cheaper than Starlight, because you can blow up your whole base with Starlight.
Big Bertha should be much cheaper than Disco-Rave-Party, but in the same price range of Anni, and DDM.
In the most cases you don't need Bemoth. because you have Anni or Bertha - it should be really expensive.
Unlocks should close gaps where you have a unit behind that gap.
Other unlocks should be cheaper.