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new 98er Develop Version crash

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9 years ago
Iam crashed 2 times, cant play.


+0 / -0
9 years ago
Can you please try playing the same map after changing the following:
GrassDetail = 4

to look like this:
GrassDetail = 0
+0 / -0
nuu EErankspreng_llll ninja. Also try removing AtiHacks = 1, I'm on ATi and I do fine w/o this option.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
crashed once today also, never crashed before
+0 / -0
[20:19] spreng_llll i think i got rid of microstutters by setting workerthreadcount=0 and workerthreadspintime=0

What this mean spreng

Lastly we done some test with around 28 people. 2 matches desynced but first map was folsom dam deluxe 4. it desynced at 50mins and the second desync was around 30mins on this huge map with around 28 people.

In a normal 10vs10 from what i seen, desync happens much less then on 91 which is great. It may just take much longer to happen doe.

+0 / -0

9 years ago
You claim some dev engine games desynced but I see no report.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
maybe he meant that by accident, this game occured in a row of 98 engine games. Dunno how they switched to 91 for only one game?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
DErankXivender there seems to be a problem with your drivers.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I don't want to sound insensitive or diminishing the work of the Devs. And I am grateful that the Devs is make this wonderful game. And I appreciated all their hard work and I would understand if due to circumstance that certain problems can not be addressed.

that said. I don't think it's reasonable to expect people to change driver to fit the game. As long as they are running the latest driver, I believe, it's common sense for the game to be changed to run on the latest driver not the other way around.

As I shall repeat, I loved what the Devs have done and grateful for their contribution. But telling people to change their driver when they are running the latest one is just backward. It may work as an stop gap solution but Surely the Devs must already be making changes to the games or engine's codes to accommodate the ATI driver or at least tell the players how to provide better information so the Devs can fix the problem.

I'll thank the Dev again for making and improving the game. But I think we would appreciate it more if the Devs shed more light on what's being done to address this issue. I ,and most players, would do what we can to assist the Devs tackling this problem. But we need more Guidance on what to do to provide the Devs with more useful information.
+2 / -0
The problem is that I don't want to try to talk to DErankXivender.

The best thing someone could do is be a highly competent person and report the ATI crashes to mantis. This is not useful if you are not a highly competent person.

The crash seems to be to do with grass but so far no highly competent people have had a crash.

Try removing Chili Chat Bubbles.
+0 / -0
GoogleFrog meint, dass es an den Grafikkartentreibern liegen könnte. Also zieh da mal neue rauf, wenn dann der Fehler immer noch kommt muss es jemand nach mantis reporten.
Ansonsten kam noch die Idee auf, dass es vielleicht was mit Gras zu tun hat... also das annimierte Gras, nicht das andere... ;)

und setz mal das GrassDetail= X und AtiHacks=0
in der config. Geht aber auch in der ZKL config oderso. Und chili chat bubbles deaktivieren

+0 / -0

9 years ago
Thank you for your thoughtful and considerate respond AUrankAdminGoogleFrog which was emphasized by its promptness. This answer a lot of my questions.

in the future when I have crash, I would now try turn off grass rendering and Chili chat bubble.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I have ATI but I'm highly incompetent, I set my grass detail from 7 to 0, I don't like doing things so this better not happen again damn devs how you break your own game without even adding anything
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Fixing grass for ATI in the engine is available now as a mid-size project.
+0 / -0
9 years ago
Danke Chesti und GoogleFrog,
Komisch dass es mit dem Grad Probleme geben könnte....Ich habe nichts verändert und das läuft all die Jahre so.

Ich werde nachher mal die Grafikkartentreiber updaten und dann schaun wa ma ob es läuft.

Ich bin im Game drinne gewesen, habe meinen Commander ausgewählt und platziert und nach so 20 , 30 Sekunden ist er dann abgestürzt.

Das Schließt für mich ersteinmal ein Grafikkartentreiber-Problem aus,
aber ich werds versuchen und dann berichten obs hingehaut hat.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
I have ATi, probably competent enough, but.... I have no issues with latest engine. What am I doing wrong?
+0 / -0

9 years ago
Not all ATI's are alike, so it would be good if people who are not perfectly competent also were able to produce useful information. At least, the infologs.

I have ATi, probably competent enough, but.... I have no issues with latest engine. What am I doing wrong?

Maybe it's something that you do right. The prevalence of AtiHacks=1 in infologs of ati people experiencing issues seems to suggest that option is common; it might be actually contraindicated for 98+.

I'll check if it's one of ZKL defaults.
+0 / -0
Not having AtiHacks entry means it's set to -1, i.e. runtime dicsovery, so I probably have AtiHacks effectively in place.
+0 / -0

9 years ago
IIRC having ATI != having AtiHacks
+0 / -0
9 years ago
i updatet ATi drivers.
Then Join a game as spec.

Then iam play on.
But in the End, after the enemys team Resign, iam crash.


but i can play, this is a littkle problem.
+0 / -0
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