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Thread to end all lobby design threads

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This is a thread about proposed design changes.

Related work can be found at:

Current idea is:
front screen:

right panels:

avatar and login detail:

Background is a cool image with cool music.

Contributions (especially 2D artist!) are welcome!
+7 / -0
http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/10046 related too.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
licho do you even make good screens? i think your design sucks
+1 / -10
10 years ago
This post has been downvoted below -5 and collapsed, click here to expand
also lobby good as is
+1 / -11

10 years ago
I could paint up some of those screens.

Choose your destiny:

-> Darkhive
-> Shrakatheme
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Is Darkhive the default chili skin? Having consistent skin between the lobby and ingame could be a good idea.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I think Carbon is default ingame skin.

Also Squared Darkhive exists for ingame.

Site currently has Darkhive.
+0 / -0
I think the new lobby should use more horizontal space than vertical - screens are wide and squat, so it makes sense to a put a nav tree on the left - I like Aiphee's layout in this thread:


The big change I'd like to see in the lobby is tearing apart the tight coupling of chat, battlechat, and messages. They're three different things, they shouldn't live in the same space just because they're all chats. Chat is chat, battlechat is the battle, and instant-messages should be in little panels like they are in Gmail/Gtalk.
+4 / -0

10 years ago
IMO Multiplayer button should be above the Singleplayer button.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I agree with Pxtl about separating the communications. It confused me at first and it still occasionally confuses me now.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
The current plan is to separate battle chat from "channels" though i dont know about separating PM, i think it sort of works good enough.

More horizontal space will be used due to the expandable right panels.

Regarding design I like darkhive and shraka. I like shraka more, but its not ingame/site consistent that much, though perhaps with a few recoloring touches it could be achieved.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
i mildly support, as stated in CZrank[DDAM]aiphee 's sketch, the renaming of the "singleplayer" button to "play alone" button.
+0 / -0
I'd go with a 3 panel design:

On the left, Nav. Controls the active panel. Do it as a 2-tier tree, so individual chat-rooms are children of the Chat entry, and your active Battle is a child of the Singleplayer or Multiplayer entry (and the option does not appear if you're not in a battle). So like:

-Me (unlocks, comm config, donate, profile)
--Active Battle
-Browse (formerly Community, browses maps/replays/forum/missions)
-Chat (shows the chat-room browser)

In the middle, the active form or browser window.

On the right, notifications. A big scrollable space of every interactive temporary thing going on. This would include downloads, battle-votes, and PM threads.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Some progress:

Lobby starts as windowed full screen but the "win" button can change it to classical windowed mode.

Right side will feature the panels with chat etc not yet added.
+12 / -0

10 years ago
looks pretty baller with the peewee background
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I like the art and have thought the gui could use improvement for ages, nice work
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Here is a mockup with a few more design elements, I lost my work but changes could include...

1. Big Glaive graphic instead of stars
2. Moving the ZKL logo to the other side of the screen and the profile info up
3. Higher res buttons, graphics, and addition of tabs etc (This is all just a dirty mockup).

Anyway, sorry I'm late getting onto this, I've told AUrankShraka about this too and he might contribute something shrug we'll see.
+2 / -0
1) Where is dem ''Settings/Options" button?

2) If its possible (and I'm sure it is) make quite a few screensonts with various units/ingame battles instead of one, and make them appear randomly after each lobby start/subpage change.

Like, once you open the lobby and there is a giant Glavie, next time u see some Rockos fighting Pyro, anotehr time there is Panther surroundd by few Scorchers, etc. It gives better impression than single art appearing all over and over again, even if they are just ingame screensts (of the purest quality, though)
+1 / -0
10 years ago
The problem is PLrankFailer that at this resolution closed in in-game screenshots look ugly because most units are low poly and by often poorly textured (like glaive) so it would just look ugly.
The goal is to obtain more art pieces for lobby background image... but ZK kinda don't have the artists for it.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Okay, I didn't realize that. It was jsut a suggestion.

Still, the ''Options'' button...
+0 / -0
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