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Discussion of "Hardware survey"

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Post edit history
Date Editor Before After
7/24/2013 9:47:09 PMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
7/24/2013 9:46:31 PMGBrankTheEloIsALie before revert after revert
Before After
1 Before i had this PC, i was playing on my laptop. I didn't/couldn't play teamgames, after 20 minutes i was down to 4 fps, too, unplayable. I sticked to 1v1 and pwning CAI with other players. However, everybody was like "MOAR CAI" and at 15+ bots i would experience the same problems. 1 Before i had this PC, i was playing on my laptop. I didn't/couldn't play teamgames, after 20 minutes i was down to 4 fps, too, unplayable. I sticked to 1v1 and pwning CAI with other players. However, everybody was like "MOAR CAI" and at 15+ bots i would experience the same problems.
2 \n 2 \n
3 Now that i have my new PC, I'm playing other games (Firefall, duh). 3 Now that i have my new PC, I'm playing other games (Firefall, duh).
4 \n 4 \n
5 Make of this what you want. 5 Make of this what you want.
6 \n 6 \n
7 Also, since when do we have 2 blank lines added to our posts automatically? 7 Also, since when do we have 2 blank lines added to our posts automatically? Oh, just noticed that invisible rating stuff in the bottom right corner. It was better placed below the avatar imo. But that doesn't belong here.