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Discussion of "Hardware survey"

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11 years ago
First of, http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/5240 was nice thread idea I think.
So here a thread to chat about it, without spamming up the list of reports/pc specs and mixing everything.

Below is of course just my interpretation.

To me it seems like many players report that they play at:
-very low details
-low fps, on the edge of lagging out
-sometimes both

I write "many" instead of exact numbers because was not sure how some posts are to be interpreted so numbers would not be exact anyway.
This for example is quite obvious:
Performance is good (>30 fps) up until the lategame in big team games. Your typical Folsom Damn at 50 minutes still grinds down to ~4fps or worse.

but this is harder to interpret:
My current system runs between 60-80 FPS, without any real issue until you hit crazy numbers of units
because not sure what "crazy numbers of units" is: just a regular game, a regular game with above average unitspam or something that basically never happens like 20v20 on speedmetal.
So any counting/statistic would be influenced by personal opinion anyway.

So even without exact numbers it is a bit shocking that so many players can not enjoy the game how it is meant to be played: With decent and smooth graphics.
Some players report super FPS on ultra settings but that is with very new computers.
Reports of good FPS at minimal settings are imo also "on the bad side", since with such settings the game is so ugly that many gamers will not even consider playing it.
"Minimal" should be for used in rare situations, like on a LAN party and the game absolutely must run on the crappiest computer so that everybody can play together.
It should not be used by so many for regular playing, this makes me sad.

Whenever performance was discussed in spring the main points were:
-"it is 2008 / 2010 / 2013, this-and-that is standard in computer hardware now"
-"yes, it is high polycount/large resolution/high memory usage but it is not that much and worth it"
-"yes, this lua eats some FPS but not much"

But apperently:
-spring player's computers are not as good as everyone thought
-the sum of all the small things is larger than was expected

Also to me it is unexplainable how people can* actually play like that.
My computer is bad/old too, but if a game runs at 5-10 FPS that would be unbeerable to me.
Of all the players who had such performance I can not imagine that many said "hm, I still want to play this, despite the dia show."
+0 / -0
Before i had this PC, i was playing on my laptop. I didn't/couldn't play teamgames, after 20 minutes i was down to 4 fps, too, unplayable. I sticked to 1v1 and pwning CAI with other players. However, everybody was like "MOAR CAI" and at 15+ bots i would experience the same problems.

Now that i have my new PC, I'm playing other games (Firefall, duh).

Make of this what you want.

Also, since when do we have 2 blank lines added to our posts automatically? Oh, just noticed that invisible rating stuff in the bottom right corner. It was better placed below the avatar imo. But that doesn't belong here.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Many players don't care about the looks and from my experience many use low graphics to make things easier to recognize. I don't see why you'd feel sad about players preferring low graphics and a clear battlefield over tons of graphic effects when in the end even super-high graphics can look silly because of explosions sometimes being drawn beneath the terrain and similar little issues.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Im famous for playing with only cons, and i think most of the top 10 are the same... so yes, graphics are irrelevant, and for the most part undesired by high teir players
+0 / -3
11 years ago
Many players don't care about the looks
Or maybe:
"Many current players don't care about the looks" because those who do, do not play.

If things are so hard to recognize (you mean models?) and players prefer icons, that should be taken as hint that things should be made more recognizeable.

I do not think graphics are irrelevant to the average player.
If there are, what was the point in making nicer models, effects, maps.
People understand that nice screenshots and videos are prefered by players, why should it be different with the ingame graphics?

Also seeing how many report so low fps, I do not think that all put minimal settings because they like it so much. More like, they need to.
+3 / -0

11 years ago
So, simply have a professional artist remake most/all the models, and remake the engine for better performance (like a reliable multi-threading that no on has been able to do so far).

Who knew it could be so easy! The real question is, why haven't the developers done this already?
+2 / -0

11 years ago
/sarcasm, lol.
+1 / -0
Come on, this game isn't THAT ugly. Of course Spring Engine could be optimized better, but at this point it's not bad imo. My computer is pretty damn old and used up so i play on nearly minimal details (ground decals must be switched on for me), and not only it runs better but the graphics are also clear and i can see what's going on the battlefield. It would be nice of course to make this game multithreaded, but still - i think the performance and the graphics are good enough and don't need much improvement.

And let's not forget that the unit count is really, really laggy. In every game regardless. And if companies like GPG (SupCom) or Blizzard (SC2) couldn't make the game not lagging because of a high unit count - i will never require such things from guys who do this for free.

Also, zk looks outstanding compared to some other free online games.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
No need for sarcasm..

For example "recognizability of stuff and 'clear' graphics" is a concern that was raised in every spring game ever, since the beginning.
It is not like "professional artists" are needed for that, I am sure spring modders could do it too. It is just that recognizability was often put behind other factors like realism or consistency or just wanting to do more of an existing style.
Concerns were traditionally shrugged off with "nah, it will look ok ingame", "you will get used to the units", "the animation will make it clear", "zoom in to select, zoom out to give order" etc.
It seems players found a different solution:
"play with icons all the time"

The performance of the engine is known. Nobody should be really surprised that smaller games lag less than a large games.
Would be naive to make a demanding game or settings and hope that somehow the engine performance increases so much that everybody can play in decent settings.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
No, it's an important point that the artists are professional. You need to pay to get the art you want, otherwise you get the art the artist wants.
+1 / -0
Personally I don't have any problems with recognizability, I play (largely) with icons because that's how far I need to zoom out to get a good view of the battlefield. Units are simply too small at that distance.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Sure many current players prefer that. Many future players will too. Think about it, why do people look for new RTS games (and happen to find ZK)? Not because they google for "cool looking graphics", but because they want gameplay - for example similar to TA, SupCom. I've never seen anybody say "Boy, I am looking for games with that game's graphis.", only "I am looking for a game that plays similar to this." so clearly, gameplay is what's important.

Now talking about recognizability: excessive use of particles, shiny things, lup effects and such take away attention. This is what makes units harder to recognize mostly, not poor choices when modeling. Though, I do often point out that models should be improved to make them easier to recognize when anybody posts shots about WIP stuff (see spider model threads).
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I have no problems whatsoever identifying the units unless I am zoomed all the way out of Delta Siege.

It looks like the problem is the engine being too slow. This is nothing new, but it remains a problem. Do we have any players of ZK that develop the engine (apart from Cleanrock)? Perhaps we should be diverting attention towards getting working multithreading into the engine. Every time we look at performance problems it comes back to the engine and it never gets any better. Currently the game itself if fine, there are currently no huge flamewars over balance, so maybe the ZK developers could get a look at the engine?

If the engine became faster then hopefully this would not be a problem.
+1 / -0
so maybe the ZK developers could get a look at the engine?

Afaik, there are no people in zk team who are sufficiently versed in c++ and opengl at the same time. Therefore, new people must be recruited.

like a reliable multi-threading that no on has been able to do so far

There exists a suspicious "threadpool" branch in engine repo...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
No, it's an important point that the artists are professional. You need to pay to get the art you want, otherwise you get the art the artist wants.
Artists have always been given feedback when they post wip shots or design guidelines. Usually they seem happy about feedback.
Maybe the guidelines were just not thought through enough.
Similiar with effects:

excessive use of particles, shiny things, lup effects and such take away attention.
Effects were meant to convey/give information, not to overshadow it.
Like the graphics of an explosions tells you how much damage/AoE it has, lups flames show you when a unit is losing health because it is on fire.
But now players are turning all that off?
Imo if players turn something off, it is a hint something is wrong.

It looks like the problem is the engine being too slow. This is nothing new, but it remains a problem.
That is not what I see from the survey:
Most players report okay performance in small/medium matches.
The problem is only in large matches or lategame.
Appearently the difference can be 30 fps -> 4 fps. Even for someone with supercomputer that does 240 fps it can go down to 20.
So it is not uncommon that players fps go up and down by a factor of 10 or so.

Just think about it:
One game you have good fps, next game only 1/10 of what you had before.
So some players could probally run better graphics, in some of their matches.
But you never know if your next match will be a large one where you need every FPS you can get.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Guidelines? There are no guidelines, and if there were, they wouldn't be terribly useful because a lot of the artwork was not made for ZK anyway. A lot of the models are generic TA remakes made by Spring community members open for anyone to use.

Feedback on artwork is always good, but not because of the chorus of people thinking that it's their chance to get their own vision implemented. There is usually at least one person who can see the art, and give genuinely good feedback on how to make the artwork better and not something else.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Here is what I have been through so far.

Laptop, i7, 1.60 GHz 4GB Ram Nvidia 230gm
I see FPS issues in very long team games and always when the chucking hell spawns (very playable but messy). Most of the Graphics settings are on except for shadows, water effects and obviously antiALIasing 8}. The laptop weights 1000tons and sounds like a sewing machine so..

Desktop i5 2.3GHz 4GB Ram, ATI HD4350
Same as above Except ONLY IF I reduce the graphics to all the way to the bottom. Load times are longer than above but are fine as far as I am concerned. Don't want to play on desktop.

Now my favorite machine is the all new Core 2 duo 2.5GHz. 4GB Ram. And it does have GPU and it does load the game.
I say again, it does load the game and I can see units and ground and hear sounds etc. But the problem is that the game lags terribly when I move my screen to see a "rock" or a "mountain". But looking at nano particles, commander, fleas and complicated structures such as a "tick" gives me no problem.
With 5 hours of battery time and the ability to do all my work on that laptop which weights like the sense of weight in the quote "He rushes like a shitball" I would definetely love to play on that Core 2 duo.

Besides that, I am very satisfied by the performance of the game on an average machine of year 2009---201x
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Guidelines? There are no guidelines,
Yes, there are. Or at least there were:


plus many threads etc.

Yes, some is outdated like the Nova/Logos stuff. And maybe it is not really exact rules but more a collection of "this looks nice" galleries and brainstorming.
But generally when people comment on models it is still along those guidelines.

Now the game is far more completed so one can "match the style of existing stuff" and written guidelines are maybe not so much needed anymore...
But all that is a bit OT.

Back on topic:
My point was that survey shows many players experience bad performance (in large games) or very low graphic settings.
Nobody commented on that, so do you share that view?

Opinions so far:

-"low graphic settings are okay, gameplay is more important"
imo: partly yes, but only to a point. This is far beyond that point.
It seems strange how playing on low settings is almost defended as being a good thing Oo
Usually the goal is that players can play the game in nicest looking and smoothest way possible.

-"the problem is the engine being too slow."
imo: unrealistic.

PKrankate8tree3 post that in the survey thread, please. http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/5240
+1 / -0
11 years ago
-"low graphic settings are okay, gameplay is more important"
imo: partly yes, but only to a point. This is far beyond that point.
It seems strange how playing on low settings is almost defended as being a good thing Oo
Usually the goal is that players can play the game in nicest looking and smoothest way possible.

-"the problem is the engine being too slow."
imo: unrealistic

I do not really understand the inner workings of the game but I don't see that there is anything that can be done about performance with the game. Especially considering that people could allegedly play on 86.0 with no performance issues whatsoever I don't see how it could be anything but the engine.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Artists have always been given feedback when they post wip shots or design guidelines. Usually they seem happy about feedback.

Since when? I used to spam chat with wip shots and beg for feedback but very rarely got much response, and most of that was just encouragements or "good job", no actual critique.

But regardless I don't really think models have much to do with the performance. Perhaps the animation scripts/partcount (the singu would have been much more complex with moving pistons etc. but IIRC JK merged all the movable bits into the frame to boost performance) but not the actual models. I think everyone can agree that a unified style of units in a factory or even the entire game would be nice, but most seem content with our mongrel collection of units so far.

There are some lua effects and things that get out of hand, especially in the lategame (like shields and terraform) but otherwise I haven't had much issue with most effects.

Imo if players turn something off, it is a hint something is wrong.
Most people don't know what is causing the game to go slow, so they turn everything down, and start turning stuff up until they find the thing that is slowing down their game. The problem here is that spring games always are slow *no matter the settings* because of insane unit counts and terraforming and all sorts of stuff they can't directly influence, so they never turn their settings up.

Ultimately, the real problem is the engine because the engine dictates the performance of most people's games. If you want to go through with the gadget profiler and find slowdowns in lua code or effects, that is really the only thing that can be done mod-side to improve performance, but I'm not sure how much benefit you can get out of it. There are probably some things that could use improving.
+0 / -0
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