Its not yes or no question it depends on context. When old players each other calls nubs and nabs its okay, they dont actually mean it. But when someone(yeah...) starts really raging on newbs and calls them noobs its not okay it creates very bad image for new players.
+6 / -0
I think this poll is meant for not well known players and for those who do not know each other.
+0 / -0
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Two things I noticed since I have been back. New players are still terrible. I think the CAI needs removed; players aren't learning to play.
I saw a guy that said his strategy works with 60+ metal; what strategy was that you ask? Make brawler and BD one at a time spam style and send at enemy with no micro.
I prefer to call them 'turds'. Turd is a descriptive word that is all encompassing and does not make them rage like calling new players a useless piece of shit. Doesn't matter that you are still implying they are useless pieces of shit; it's all about the presentation and marketing.
+2 / -10
There is no such answer in the poll, so i'll just leave it there: Nub and nab isn't harmful, but noob is and has always been.
+3 / -0
Question would have been better phrased as: "Which of the following is harmful" 1. Nub 2. Nab 3. Newb 4. Noob 5. None of the above With multiple options available
+0 / -0
Admins dealing with such cases can usually tell whether the usage is harmful on a case-by-case basis, so what's the aim of the poll, exactly?
+3 / -0
Question would have been better phrased as: "Which of the following you prefer to use" 1. Nub 2. Nab 3. Newb 4. Noob 5. None of the above
+0 / -0
I cry every time someone calls me a nab. :'( Most people in zerok seem to be polite, I don't really know what the point of this poll was. Nab can be rude, but 95% of the time its used jokingly. Compared to some other games this is like heaven.
+1 / -0
quote: Most people in zerok seem to be polite |
But.. but.. I heard from like 20 people I should be perma banned for being rude ;c Anyway, 1. Nab 2. Noob 3. Nub 4. Nob 5. Neb 6. Nuub 7. Newb 8. Niub 9. Naab 10. Nb We need moar!
+1 / -0
You forgot: Noober Nuberino Nabber NAbs Derps Noobo ..... Like I said before, I prefer to use 'turd' as it is all encompassing. And it can be used descriptively, as a verb, or ambiguously. Ambiguously: Y U TURD? You are unsure if you are being called a turd or if your actions are being called into question for being turd-like.
+0 / -0
MOSTAlso is sFireTroll serious or trolling. He is on that fine line where I just cant tell. He leaves games after losing is comm, or for other random reasons, and then finds a random person to shout at, but I dont know if it is troll or serious.
+0 / -0
 this thread is very confusing although i have to agree with Fealthas "MOST" i find this word greviously offencive
+2 / -0
quote: and then finds a random person to shout at |
If, after battle (no mater, won or lost), @[TROLL]sfireman doesn't call anyone a nub (allies if lsot, enemies if won) that means there is something wrong with him.
+5 / -1
I just spent about 2 hours lost in TV Tropes after trying to find out if there's any solid distinction between any of these words, it's a miracle I remember what I went for in the first place. Memetic mutation is a bitch. Conclusion: they all seem to mean "your gameplay is noticeably less than optimal". If you have a good reason for this (you're new, you're drunk, you're having a stroke etc.) then I imagine no offence should be taken.
+0 / -0
There's plenty of ways to use those terms in ways that aren't offensive. However, I've been seeing a lot of higher ELO players behaving in rather toxic ways towards lower ELO's in those "all welcome" teamgames. Often enough that results in them spamming "Nab" labels all over what the newer player is doing, as opposed to doing something constructive.
+2 / -0
Stating the obvious really doesn't help, of course. If he has 1200 elo, he's not gonna get better from calling him a nab.
+0 / -0
No? Goddammit, I always thought they would.
+1 / -1
I like how ZK has distinctive use of colourful language. It would be a shame to kill that. I agree that its more about aggression or picking on someone or deliberately making things unpleasant. Admins using judgement is best solution for this. It might be nice if there was some kind of admin election or feedback system, but overall I'd have to say the current system along with the admins seems pretty good.
+4 / -0