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Resource tooltip on player list

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I just watched one of CArankAdminShadowfury333's casts and noticed he removed the resource bar, but wanted to check where metal comes from. So I had this idea.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I think we'd be better off with dedicated spectating/commenting resource bars.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Why did he remove the resource bar though? Just for spectating?
+0 / -0
Yes. The idea/reason was, that it's a player-specific ui element and thus confusing. Anyway, I think if player list resource bars were improved, then players could disable the local one too. That means more space on screen and less tunnel vision - whenever players check their own resources they also see their teams'.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You don't have to make your resource bars seven lightyears long.
+0 / -0
Thank you, I think that's a cool idea.

I removed the resource bar because it's specific to the controlled player, which means the viewers will only see one player's resources taking all the attention, rather than both players having even weight on the screen.

Ideally there would be dedicated spectating player stats display, both a list for large numbers and a more head-to-head style display for 1v1 and maybe 2v2 games. An example of the latter is the stats display I made for the 1v1 Achron casts. In the ZK case, it should have the current stats in the adv list except CPU/Ping, with the resource bars about 3x as long as they are now and probably stacked like the main resbar display with small numbers for values in them, and a list of active factories for each player possibly with what they are building.

I'll see about making a mockup later of what I mean. I had been trying to work on the code for this, but I've been rather busy recently with work and moving out.
+0 / -0
USrankAdminCarRepairer, I like the big bar. I always forget about metal and whether or not I am excessing. Sometimes I still have trouble noticing. Maybe I should make it bigger, still.

By the way, CArankAdminShadowfury333, there's a widget that displays how efficient a player was at making cost against the enemy. It only works for 1v1 and doesn't show who's who, but that can be guessed, so you might be interested after all.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If that attrition widget can be worked into some sort of "who has the advantage" bar on a per-team basis, that would be a useful thing to have as well. There are a few fighting games that do something like that (ex. King of Fighters XI).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think if player list resource bars were improved, then players could disable the local one too.


I like the big bar. I always forget about metal and whether or not I am excessing. Sometimes I still have trouble noticing. Maybe I should make it bigger, still.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Ur face is contradiction. Read those statements again, they're perfectly fine.
+0 / -2
some sort of "who has the advantage" bar

It should be fairly easy to do that. Provide something to eyeball? Should it still display body counts and kill costs?

on a per-team basis

That would be a bit harder, but i guess if it's explicitly limited to spectator mode, could be done as well for multiple teams.

The reason current widget works only for 1v1 is that it's technically impossible for a player to perfectly know what killed an enemy unit, so it just assumes that if it's 1v1 and an enemy dies for whatever reason, it's you who benefits. Obviously, for a spectator, that's not an issue.

Note that whatever is the case, it's not an "advantage display", it's more like "tactical efficiency". If enemy can afford to kill your stardusts with glaives, you'll make hell of a cost, but still lose.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
For a spectator widget, or competetive commentary

i would, personally have.
Player 1 Player 2
M-In / M-Out M-In / M-Out
E-In / E-Out E-In / E-Out
Units alive / Killed Units alive / Killed
Metal Spent Metal Spent
Value Killed Value Killed
Com alive(icon) Com alive(icon)
Map Mex control bar as wide as the two columns.

Because im passionate, but skill-less
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Looks very good NZrank11041. I don't think elo should be permanently visible, also lol @ badatmath%, but otherwise solid layout.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I'll see what can be done.

Holding breath is unadvised due to danger of asphyxiation.
+2 / -0
11 years ago
Would take too much screen space.
Unless you can't toggle every part you don't like off, I wouldn't use it.

It should work with 10 ppls without cluttering your screen too much too.
+0 / -1

11 years ago
It should work with 10 ppls without cluttering your screen too much too.

It should totally work with 10v10zkdsd while being used to cast a duel. Waaitaminute...
+0 / -0
The current deluxeplayerlist has a lot of toggles but some columns are still grouped together that I wish I could toggle separately. So whoever works on this, please just make every column togglable separately.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
NZrank11041: It's a good start, but I would make it more horizontal. Remember, commentated games have the relevant stats at the top, but it can't be obtrusive. Keeping it thin but wide helps a lot there.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I think having the resource bars is fine.
They even update to show res of the players whose units you select.
Sadly it is not possible to see which player is currently active. (with /info list it is, but with CArankAdminShadowfury333 's / zK setting it is not as far i see)

imo either make it visible which player is selected.
or have two resource bars, with names/color next to them.
for example:

(top right corner)
+0 / -0
DErank[2up]knorke: Having all players' resource bars is exactly what I'm talking about. I really wish Stuff wasn't so hectic over here, so that I could draw exactly what I mean, especially what I mean by horizontal design. However, it would likely be similar to what I did with Achron, which I use for all of my 1v1 Achron casts.

USrankAdminCarRepairer: Having looked over the deluxe player list code, I think it would be easier to make that widget only be for players, so they get more team detail and can share easily. What is being discussed here should probably be a spectator specific widget, separate from deluxe player list, but probably sharing some code ideas. Otherwise I'm concerned the maintenance would be a nightmare.

I've finally gotten some time to work on this. Here's my mockup for a 1v1 display:

Most of it should be familiar to anyone. The only thing to note is the top bar, which is something of a crude idea for the advantage bar I mentioned. The idea being that the line on it goes towards whichever player is doing better, and possibly gradually changes to that player's colour. Clan, country, and rank information would be next to players' names as well, I just omitted them here.

Here's a shot of it overlaid on a game screenshot.
+2 / -0
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