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Com module balancing

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Morph able coms are here for few years? already and yet they are really imbalanced. For starters it was good idea to give every module +10% of something, but in reality something +10% is much better than other thing +10% SO....

High power servos +10% speed for 150m VS advanced targeting +10% gun range. Well obvious winner is advanced targeting. I don't know if there is any com module statistics but I bet they are something like this (not counting others obviously) 5% HPS and 95% AT. Personally I don't know how these high power servos ( current ) would make your com OP in any way.

Yeah fast walking + dgun. But it isn't OP at all compared to sniper or whatever annoying long range weapons. So why not buff high power servos +20% and see how it works out? will rabbit coms will be OP? such drastic increase would encourage people to experiment that's why I wouldn't bother with 15%.

Same goes to damage booster is it worth its cost? I highly doubt it make it +20% too! Also bring back old nanolathe module at least half range of it...

Also I greatly discourage to nerf AT since COMS are really fun part of ZK so dont nerf your strength ;)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
If you played DotA you'd notice that 10% AT is no joke. And if you had 20% ms per module, that'd make a com almost raider-fast with 5 or so upgrades. Not sure if you'd want that either.

Metal cost should balance most of this stuff pretty well.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
You didint read it did you.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I did. But the issue is, morphing com above 2 has rarely a place in ZK. It's a funky thing being able to customize your commander, but spending 5k metal ingame on it is basically never a good idea.

That's probably the reason why balancing that stuff is barely relevant.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
from all the coms i have ever made ive used servos only on:

beepbeep: troll com with 8 servos
my standard recon com: sometimes comes with 1 servo

i never use hp modules (they arent worth it)
i allways use autoregen mods
i allways use range mods
i only use laser, railgun, shotty, and disser beam

thats all
the other com modules are all almost uniformaly usless atm
car repairers used to be cool when it gave nano range, now its totaly usless
+0 / -0
11 years ago
o and mauran... i have won vs good players in 1v1 using com morph to win
so dont underestimate a comms usefullness
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I wanted to do a post about this but was too lazy :P
I agree with buffing hps and dmg booster
Also i think ablative armor is underused, most people use heavy armor... nerf heavy or buff light one
+0 / -0
I think movement speed is just as useful as a range bonus. It's underused right now - that's a metagame issue.

A movement speed increase affects everything: Commander's ability to use its weapon, escape, build, reclaim, resurrect, provide radar, area-cloak, shield and anything I forgot, whereas a range increase only affects weapon range.

Anyway, what about adding some things to High Power Servos:
* Increases turn speed by 10%
Cost can be increased from 150 to 225 to make up for the buff. Alternatively both abilities could be decreased to 7.5%.

edit: fix, apparently comms dont lose speed on uneven terrain
+0 / -0
11 years ago
It is not underused it simply sucks. Because losing your 4k m "raider" (which is not even good raider) is rather easy than safely be behind all stuff.
+0 / -0
...which is why using com as a bantha is not a good idea anyways. And why lots of morphing is niche application.
+0 / -0
Commander's ability to use its weapon, escape, build, reclaim, resurrect, provide radar, area-cloak, shield and anything I forgot


wolas! Be nice! Read before commenting, please.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It is not underused it simply sucks. Because losing your 4k m "raider" (which is not even good raider) is rather easy than safely be behind all stuff.

It is the nature of the commander, almost entirely because of build power.

Build power is the most versatile tool in the game. You have access to a wide enough variety of statics to counter almost everything in the game, plus gimmicks like cloaker and shield. You can make a cheap radar to get huge radar vision. You can repair damaged units and reclaim wreckages.

If your build power isn't that much on its own, it can even build more buildpower.

That is why you will see top players like Google Frog or Godde focusing almost entirely on a tank con swarm, pushing turrets and reclaiming wrecks. That is why the nano-stacked com was so ridiculously over-powered when it had that of extra range to differentiate it from a normal con stack. You can usually judge how good someone is at the game just by their number of active constructors.

Basically in the end, morphed commanders need to be weak at being a regular unit, or they would quite completely be the queens of the board. Which wouldn't even be fair, because not everyone would get a queen piece. So they are made to be extremely weak, and end up being only passable in attrition-based roles.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I wonder, if there are some com module stats for real. Would be interesting to see, whether some modules are ridiculously underused for real. (I bet there are few)
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:D the dguns, almost all of them arent used at all

except starburst, impulse, and dgun by noobs
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Thats the point there are several overused modules and most of them are underused. I really would like to see something like glaive speed com and how it would work, maybe someone would actually use these modules.

Or damage boosters if anybody uses them are noobs whose coms dont make cost at all. If you want your com to make cost just give advanced targeting modules and almost any weapon becomes really good, compared to damage booster which... well would deal twice damage but you get same beating and die quickly.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
I think that buffing other modules isn't the solution if Advanced Targeting is the be-all end-all upgrade. Seems to me like a simple nerf to Advanced Targeting would work wonders.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:P nerfing coms...


sigh... noobs
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Since coms are target N1 and almost any com dies to skuttle other modules than AT are likely to not make cost. Well I sometimes use 8x autorepair COM... but it works against newbs or chickens only since they dont know proper counters.

Nerfing coms even more would be really sad decision.
+0 / -0
Since coms are target N1 and almost any com dies to skuttle

That's player's fault. They already found out that expensive units like Sumo, Dante and Catapult need support to deal with anti heavies. Now they just gotta find out that commanders (which are more expensive!) need support too.

Anyway, asking again: What about making High Power Servos improve turning rate? Movement speed is pretty much useless if it takes ages to turn around.
+0 / -0
You are absolutely right skasi. Coms cost 5k m and have much worse stats than sumo, golly not even talking about dante (if talking about speed boosts HP boosts and damage) . That's why coms should receive buff and not nerf.
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