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Ban Big Bertha for team kills

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we all know that among players in ZK there is one that stands alone with the most team kills in all of ZK, its name is BIG BERTHA and it is EVIL! BAN HE!!!!!
+2 / -2
I think its smaller Brother Behemoth is even worse. It regularly splashes everything around itself when it tries to fire through terrain or through your own turrets. Fortunately the situation should improve soon.
+5 / -0

4 years ago
And tremors?
Most teamkils in my gameing was by peneterators (lance). Sometimes also snipers do job.
But behelubsters is special category. Fire and forget!
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Fire and forget resign!

Fixed that for you.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Can't say I have seen Berthas or Cerberus blowing themselves up while trying to shot. I'd guess all high aoe artillery is prone to some friendly fire.

If I had to name a king of team kill it would definitely be Tremor.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
The only time i see bertha teamkilling was me using one and shot down my teammates herc twice :D
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Teamkill? what about the ultimate teamkiller: starlight!

though if u dont pay attention zenith can make a comeback!
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Lance and Sniper probably don't win in terms of quantity of stuff teamkilled, but in terms of how tilted I get when it happens there is no competition.
+0 / -0

4 years ago
Technically Lance and Phantom could be made to attempt to avoid shooting through allies as much as they do now, but not actually collide with allies if they happen to hit them. It would degrade the authenticity of the projectile physics and unit AI (why avoid shooting allies when your projectile passes through) but maybe that is a price worth paying.
+0 / -0
4 years ago
i actually like lance, its such a nice fuck off big lazer bweeeeeeem

the fact that it tends to shoot through teammates, and occasionally other lances is a hilarious feature
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Removing Big Bertha:
Im against it

No more comment
+0 / -0

4 years ago
I played an FFA recently in which a bunch of Lances and some shieldy boys kept a Detriment from doing anything. Lances are hilarious.

(Detri comes out of radar shadow. BEWWWM 10x 3000 damage burst. 1/3 Detriment dead. Detri realizes that two more such hits and it's ded. Detri hides in corner and cries)
+1 / -0

4 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid this is a competitive 1v1 strat too
Multiplayer B880334 2 on Hourglass v0.3
+1 / -0
well its a face melting lazer... did you not expect the face melting? its in the name!

com after accidentally stepping in the way
+0 / -0
4 years ago
Technically Lance and Phantom could be made to attempt to avoid shooting through allies as much as they do now, but not actually collide with allies if they happen to hit them. It would degrade the authenticity of the projectile physics and unit AI (why avoid shooting allies when your projectile passes through) but maybe that is a price worth paying.
I think it isn't. Reasonably life-like physics that occasionally backfire are one of the cooler aspects of Zero-K.

On the subject of berthas, I have observed they seem to have a poor understanding of what they can actually hit. Recently I have seen a Bertha trying to hit an enemy base and hitting a hill on the way instead, where there were allied units. Fun times.

I suppose its on purpose, since they can flatten terrain so sooner or later they will start hitting the intended target, but it can lead to hilarious amounts of wasted shots/friendly fire.
+0 / -0
Technically Lance and Phantom could be made to attempt to avoid shooting through allies as much as they do now, but not actually collide with allies if they happen to hit them. It would degrade the authenticity of the projectile physics and unit AI (why avoid shooting allies when your projectile passes through) but maybe that is a price worth paying.

Phantom projectiles are already heavily tweaked. They are also made to look like they hit nearly instantaneously, so I don't mind if they do.

Lances have much more "interaction" with the world around them. You can see that if you move your lances parallel with your target they will stay on target for the entire shot, while if you move opposite they will only graze the target. So I feel that it's important that they either change in appearance or keep that physical interaction with the world around them.
+1 / -0
4 years ago
Could the lance beam or Phantom projectile physically push allied units out of the way instead of damaging them, as if another allied unit was there?? Not sure what kind of hack would be needed though.
+0 / -0