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Ancient history lie

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Many people in the forums think of me that i write troll thread just to amuse myself or to annoy others. A long time ago i told something regarding the fact that Romania(ancient times called Dacia) was not descended from the Roman Empire. Proof was made via genetic tracing, and its clear that we are not descended from Romans, and that we spoke latin long before Romans were in Italy.

I think this will be the foundation that for the future will prove that Romans are our descendands.

"Miceal Ledwith , a confidant of Pope John Paul II and the man who had access to all secret documents from the Vatican library , recently made a statement that shocked the academic world and beyond. He said the Latin cult comes from ancient Romanian language , not vice versa, as was believed until now!

" Even though we know that Latin is the official language of the Catholic Church and the Roman language and Romanian language is a Latin language , less people know that the Romanian or the precursor to the place where it comes from Latin shoot and not reverse " . In other words, Romanian language is a Latin language , but rather Latin language is Romanian .

Romania , Lady Garden

According libertatea.ro theory that the Romans conquered part of Dacia and Dacians , including those from the territories conquered by Rome , have abandoned their ancestral language and began to speak Latin is false . According to Ledwith 's statement Dacians did not need translators : already spoke the language of his birth even Latin. From this perspective , Romanians appear as one people with the Dacians , direct and legitimate their followers . Moreover, it appears that the Romans were Thracian . Miceal Ledwith(he is Irish) is mentioned that a person who has no personal feelings for the country Romania . Also recall that Pope John Paul II said during his visit to our country in 1999 , that Romania is "Garden of the Virgin" . In this context , the question arises : what the Vatican know about us , and we have no idea ?

Genetically , we hdidnt change for 5000 years, we are all Dacianans

Paleogenetic study conducted between 2003-2006 showed that genetically we Romanias are Dacians and latinization theory of the Roman Empire is false.

The study, conducted by Dr. Georgeta card specialist in genetics , with the support of the University of Hamburg, Germany, on the bone tissue harvested from 20 archaeological sites in Romania , from a total of 50 individuals belonging to populations who lived here 5000 years ago . Genetic data obtained were compared with those of Romanians today . The conclusion was that between Romania and the current population who lived in that country with 5000 years ago there is a clear genetic relatedness and basic background proves the continuity and close contact with the ancient population , Dacians north of Danube branch of the great Thracians ."
+2 / -5
Hehe, I haven't read a single word except the title, and I already know this'll be hilarious again. And frustrating.

Here it comes!

Edit: Oh upon skimming, it's just about the history of his country. BOOOORING! :P

v If you want us to believe stuff you post, you better link sources. You could write whatever you wanted and claim it to be true.... We already told you this so many times.
+6 / -2
Its proven genetic...Omg

i didnt searched for sources. Il post one Soon.
+0 / -1
Seriously STOP these...
And now he start's downvoting everyone...
+1 / -1
10 years ago
Of course i downvote you, because you are ignorant. I provided proof for the people who asked that a long time ago in other thread. So if you are not one of those persons interested you can leave. Stop spamming in threads that you dont have business.
+2 / -1
10 years ago
Nobody cares about this thing you toaster... This will go troll tread soon anyway, so why you even bother going this?
+0 / -3
10 years ago
Miceal Ledwith , a confidant of Pope John Paul II and the man who had access to all secret documents from the Vatican library , recently made a statement that shocked the academic world and beyond. He said the Latin cult comes from ancient Romanian language , not vice versa, as was believed until now!

But we only have the word of one person in the Vatican to support this?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
"The study, conducted by Dr. Georgeta card specialist in genetics , with the support of the University of Hamburg, Germany, on the b"

Read more GBrankTheSponge.

If romans hide this lie for such a long time? How many lies did they still hide regarding other cultures and places?
+0 / -1
10 years ago
Bu.. Sponge you did read that :O?
+0 / -1
10 years ago
If you want to be ignorant killer, you can stop posting in this thread...Its just a suggestion and a request from me pls.
+0 / -1

10 years ago
1) this has nationalist pride smells... or rather, genetic bragging rights smells
2) how ironic, how Forever uses science selectively
3) Why can't I find something about Dr. Georgetta?
4) actually, scratch number 2... this is not using science, this is an Appeal to Authority (he is a geneticist, dare doubting his words?)

cite your sources... and at least provide the full name of Dr. Georgetta. I can't find any geneticist by that name.

Lastly, ROrankForever, I'm sure most people here do not think you are a troll... most people here think you are a believer who lacks critical thinking. Don't celebrate, it is much worse than being a troll IMO.
+2 / -0
Comon guys wtf are you doing? Not to defend the trolls or anything, but HE IS NOT TROLLING ANYONE! So please, Forever, post more ancient history. But next time please back it up with actual references so ignorant people can look them up and be ashamed.
PS: Not sure I buy the whole language thing though. References to the studio!
+0 / -0
All the things that i posted are translated from romanian to english. Trying to find english sources of the info. Found some but doesnt say all the things. Il look more into it this night.

ITs not about nationalism BRrank[V]sheep, its about lies...How do you feel if a secret is kept for 2000 years against your country just because roman empire pillaged and raped it to survie? In a documentary it is said that Roman Empire decided to conquer Dacia in that time because they were lacking founds. Because of the gold and silver found there Roman Empire was able to sustain itself for more time.

Romans had a way to call other nations just to have a reason to invade and enslave them: "They are barbarians". And because of that many nations in ancient times suffered from that. Today instead of barbarians people call the others :communists or fascists.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
ROrankForever, protip:
Do not use space before punctuation such as , .
Makes your posts look ten time more serious. ;)

Genetically , we hdidnt change for 5000 years

Do you have the same eye color as your father/mother/brother/sister/grandfather/grandmother/...? Do you have a gene that makes you immune to radioactivity? If so, are you willing to sleep inside an active X-ray scanner for a few nights?

Slightly on topic: How to bend your finger?
+0 / -0
10 years ago

More info regarding what i said, that relats to it. And its clear evidence.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
BRrank[V]sheep the genetician is called Georgeta Cardoş
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Thanks for the references.

I'll be more explicit about how I think:
- its all in romanian => this has not been peer reviewed outside of romania (maybe not even peer reviewed at all?) => it is a fact that humans have biases... and I tend to be more careful when people are connected to the research they are doing. Romania about Romanians? => High chance of being biased. Let see the evidence...

From wikipedia article:
"The tablets are generally believed to have belonged to the "
Okay... this what you call clear evidence, a sentence full of conditional. Good to know.

However, subsequent radiocarbon dating on the Tărtăria finds pushed the date of the tablets (and therefore of the whole Vinča culture) much further back, to as long ago as 5500 BC, the time of the early Eridu phase of the Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia. Still, this is disputed in the light of apparently contradictory stratigraphic evidence.

Apparently contradictory evidence. Yet, ROrankForever, you read "clear evidence". Sorry, but we have very different thinking processes...

How do you feel if a secret is kept for 2000 years against your country just because roman empire pillaged and raped it to survie?

I won't loose sleep over it. I'm not responsible for the bad or the good things "My Country" did... and I'm not emotional about it. I can look at history and not care much...

Romans had a way to call other nations just to have a reason to invade and enslave them: "They are barbarians".

lol... you feel hurt that romans, 2000 years ago, called people living in your area Barbarians? You are ripe for manipulation by far-right groups who want you to fight for your honor. This is a huge problem across Europe at the moment... think about it before you load a gun.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
why isnt it clear BRrank[V]sheep?

"much further back, to as long ago as 5500 BC"

Its clear they are older then sumerians...
+0 / -0
*posts link to wikipedia* And its clear evidence.
- ROrankForever

If the symbols are indeed a form of writing, then writing in the Danubian culture would far predate the earliest Sumerian cuneiform script or Egyptian hieroglyphs. They would thus be the world's earliest known form of writing. This claim remains controversial.
- Wikipedia
+0 / -0
10 years ago

5000 yers is 1800 years too long to be a Dacian...

i dont quite see the your point?
are you implying that dacians>thecians>romans was the progression of the dacian civilisation or something?

im pretty sure romania did not exist back then, and latin is made by the roman empire, who were pragmatic and absorbed (good) ideas from other countries like a gant blob of grey goo absorbs your legs (the whole kicking and screaming and crunchin bit included) so i dont find it imposible that there were elements that were stolen from there... but a large part of "latin" is Etruscan, and Greek

basicly what are you trying to say, Op rambles on to no end without ever making a concrete point
+1 / -0
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