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When I Haz No Coms

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Lots of people through from the greenlighting of steam. They can hear "I choose (insert name or rediculous T2S spam here)" but they have no idea what it is, and it upsets them

So: If there are no coms to choose from, display instructions on how to make coms instead of the com select menu.

(heard many peopel complain about this in the last day or so)

I will stop posting suggestions in the developer forum. Sorry
+3 / -0

10 years ago
Something like that sounds like a reasonable idea. I would hit the source of the problem though because the commander system embarrasses me.

Years ago my solution was to start players with some unlocks and give them an already made commander config. This config could just be a Strike Commander with a Beam Laser. This would introduce the system and let them name something immediately. We could do away with the Commander Junior special case. But apparently it was 'impossible'.
+2 / -0
10 years ago
They can hear "I choose (insert name or rediculous T2S spam here)" but they have no idea what it is, and it upsets them
That is indeed problem.
Everybody always says "Commanders are not important" and "it is to protect newbs from themself", but from new players perspective it just looks unfair.
Other player get awesome giant morphing robot while they do not. It does not matter to them if it is balanced or not, it simply appears as "grind XP to win."
For an RTS that is very bad impression to give.
Maybe later they realize, but the first impression is bad.

Same situation with other unit unlocks. (Not sure what is currently locked or not)
I am not sure what idea behind unlocks was, but think one aspect is to allow new players to learn the game without being overwhelmed by lots of options.
(Fewer options = fewer chance to accidently mess up everything by trying to make giant stuff like Nuke, Singu Fusion, Krow etc.)
Think it would be nice if on "Newbies welcome" servers lots of stuff was locked.
That would allow new players to play a simpler, less confusing game. But everyone still has the same chances and it also looks like that.
Think if it is clear what is happening (via server name, loadscreens etc) such easier-to-learn version of the game would greatly reduce confusion among new players and be very welcome.
It might also keep pro players out of the newbie rooms because playing with limited unit set is too boring for them = win, win.
+3 / -0
10 years ago
This config could just be a Strike Commander with a Beam Laser. This would introduce the system and let them name something immediately. We could do away with the Commander Junior special case. But apparently it was 'impossible'.

It would be nice if instead of commander junior being handed out when someone does not pick a commander, it would be the first commander in their line-up. That way you also don't need commander junior anymore, you just give strike comm and laser., and that'll be the first comm in their line-up.
Am I forgetting situations where junior comm is better to give than the first comm in someone's roster?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Everybody always says "Commanders are not important" and "it is to protect newbs from themself", but from new players perspective it just looks unfair.
Other player get awesome giant morphing robot while they do not. It does not matter to them if it is balanced or not, it simply appears as "grind XP to win."
For an RTS that is very bad impression to give.
Maybe later they realize, but the first impression is bad.
I agree with this and have managed to remove unit unlocks. This is why I find the whole commander system embarrassing and try to owl it.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Remember these are people who play RTS games, not twitch needles. They dont mind TOO much having shit to work out or having to play for time, but they do at least want to understand what the **zk is happening.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
Someone else has a fancy comm => game must be pay/grind to win.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
ahh, the "fremium" model

well lets charge for unlocks then
+0 / -2