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Sunrise Episode 7E - Great Migration

By MYrankAdminHistidine
Ada commands a blitzkrieg to seize the gateway to the Throne world.

Players: 1
Map: Lost_v2
Game:Zero-K v1.4.10.2
Created:10 years ago
Changed: 8 years ago (revision 132)
Played: 336 times
Rated: 9 times
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10 years ago
Description is buggy. It should read "Ada commands a force to assist CZrankAdminLicho with the server migration!".
+5 / -0

10 years ago
I can't play it as part of campaign because it's locked for me :(

When playing not as part of campaign it's rather super annoying to guess where the legate will run >.>
+0 / -0
10 years ago
This mission is very hard playing a stalemate game without stalemate-breaking units (striders! krow! Behe!) is such a pain :(
+0 / -0
10 years ago
just rapier spam and you win
+0 / -0

10 years ago
You have silo, goli, tremor. Those are fairly stalemate breaking?
+0 / -0
I never figured out how to play in campaign mode.

What is it like, what does it change?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I never figured out how to play in campaign mode.

What is it like, what does it change?

Campaign page
You don't actually need to go through the campaign page for it to count towards campaign progression (i.e. you could play them straight from the missions page and it'll work), but you do need to play them in the order specified - playing the mission for a planet you haven't unlocked won't do anything.

Campaign mode gives you "codex" text entries with the story.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
codex? zomg i might have to do it then!
+0 / -0
Guys this one is way too hard, any tips/replays?
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Maximize eco and untit efficiency, make sure that a step forward is permanent. So:
Link grid asap, get wind on high ground etc. Dont lose units, beware of dante. There is a spot on the middle plateau from where tremors can just hit the center hills. Support your ally, try attack together sometimes. Once you take out a hill, hope for your ally to secure it with crabes. I think retreat and repair is important, also knowing when not to attack.
+0 / -0
It's cause of pathing. Vehicle movement is completely fucked up on this map. Furthermoe Goliaths are spawned for you behind 1000 windgens so they can't be used either. Geos can not be morphed and most gunships that are not locked in this mission are useless (maybe except for Cranes and Rapiers) outside this mission. All these things add up.

Oh and finally this whole mission is solely about fighting against porc while all anti-porc things are disable. Every single one of them. Since porc is op even with anti-porc things not locked I don't think you're expected to be able to beat this as a new player, @MetalSucker.
+0 / -0
Here's how i did it.

1) Walk commander to below north hill, acquire tremor, bombard north hill. Once defences are down, ally seizes it, then invade. Use gunships to defend.

2) Spam Reaper just in case. Link grids, including allied mexes (CAI doesn't know how to do it, so it's all on you). Get enough energy to benefit from overdrive. Construct critical pieces of defense the allies will not (like Chainsaws to stop them from being molested by air).

3) When north hill is seized, porc on top of it, construct a Missile Silo, and methodically use it to destroy enemy grid, powering down defenses and allowing ally to destroy them.

4) Push with Reapers and multiple Tremors to siege and dismount south hill. Do the same with Silo, use it to dismantle Behemoths, Annihilators, and Screamers.

5) Drop Goliaths onto sites needing capture if you lack time.

Every single one of them.

I think at least Tremors and Silo are allowed. Silo works great.
+0 / -0
Also don't forget the randomness added by things like allies blocking their factory exit with Faradays and other buildings.

EErankAdminAnarchid, silos work to take out grids because CAI doesn't know how to rebuild them. That's a CAI bug though, not good mission design.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
I could probably just remove most of the DDMs outright (replacing them with lighter porc), it's not like the Behemoths don't seriously mess up any land assault anyway. Requiring airdrop or gunships to bypass them is probably too gimmicky. (also DDM wtfomgs gunships)
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Well DDMs completely shut down the allied CAI player 'cause it keeps suiciding units into them until the player takes down the middle porc-hills.

Different topic: After playing the mission three times I couldn't help but notice that this map is extremely bad for the campaign. Remember the campaign is supposed to show the good side of ZK. This map leads to extremely low FPS, probably because of the combination of very high eco potential, unit spam and pathfinding requirements.
+0 / -0
The pathfinding on the slopes works just fine on the 98 engine.

The CAI eats up resources like crazy if allowed to build a lot of units.

I'm not sure for missions such as this one there's an actual need for an advanced AI, maybe just creating a bunch of enemy units and sending them towards your base at intervals could be enough, maybe just have an AI for a few units guarding the main base.

I'll try connecting all the extractors and putting silos to work, I already did the north hill, send units there, multiple tremors south hill, go air spam, but was never enough or was never too fast, didn't really silo + more connected extractors, I just did a few.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Tweaked to be somewhat easier.
- Replaced valley floor DDMs with Sunlances
- Dantes don't leave their patrol routes on their own any more
- Player team gets starting resource advantage
+0 / -0
10 years ago
But sunlances too op!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Actually what are victory conditions? I've destroyed everything (except the tree undestroyable building) and still no endscreen.
PS:I've also dealed with bombs.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
Actually what are victory conditions? I've destroyed everything (except the tree undestroyable building) and still no endscreen.

Of course it is "destroy everything". What else would you expect from Ada the destroyer? She is a homocidal maniac wich just kills things without much reason. Maby its good that humans were wiped out after all.
+0 / -0
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