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Title: ButMommyIDontWantToBeRussian
Host: CZrankSpringiee11
Game version: Zero-K v1.2.2.10
Engine version: 91.0
Battle ID: 239193
Started: 11 years ago
Duration: 66 minutes
Players: 1
Bots: True
Mission: False
Rating: None
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11 years ago
Argh, my quest failed.

Can you beat chickens with LLTs as your only attacking unit?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Mayby...how you gonna kill queen whit llts only?(and pigeons and rocs and blobbers and...)
+0 / -0
Watch the replay to find out how i deal with pigeons and rocs and lobbers...

I think an AI would be able to beat chickens with LLTs only. The key is building faster than they can destroy. In this game, i was falling behind on aggression though (i think you can understand why), but with enough micro and resource production, that shouldn't be an issue.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Not lobbers...I said Blobbers
+0 / -0
I know what you said. And i answered that you may be able to avoid blobbers with proper aggression management.

Although the same strategy applies to blobbers as to a whole wave of chickens: Build stuff in their middle. If there's suicide bombers, wurms, blobbers/lobbers... They will all deal a lot of friendly fire.

Talons will be impossible to deal with, i'm quite sure. Somehow the rocs kind of died, not sure how. The spidermonkeys are a pain, as are basilisks and Tiamats. If you want to make it with only LLT, you gotta keep their tech down.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
N2maniac and I attempted, we lost at the queen with about 1/8th HP remaining. :(

+2 / -0
11 years ago
hmm now i want to try whit only MTs.
+0 / -0
That was my first attempt (MT only), before this one. It's close to impossible i think. Do you know how many MT it takes to kill 1 chicken? I think you can't even properly survive the first wave.

Mind you, in this attempt i did indeed just build eco, LLT and cons.
+0 / -0