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bitcoin might be dead.

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10 years ago
"A bug in the bitcoin software makes it possible for someone to use the Bitcoin network to alter transaction details to make it seem like a sending of bitcoins to a bitcoin wallet did not occur when in fact it did occur."

+1 / -0
Response from lead bitcoin dev:

"Quote from IRC:

<@gmaxwell> I feel betrayed. The press release is misleading with the whole presentation of it being a new issues. I spent a lot of effort figuring out the issues mtgox was having and poking them in the right direction.

Longer statement here: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/2014/02/10/mt-gox-blames-bitcoin-core-developer-greg-maxwell-responds/

Greg Maxwell discusses transaction malleability further: http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=CAAS2fgTx8UzQiocyNMfMNkt2uUZRTmhagb2BY9TPuAupVjVa2g%40mail.gmail.com&forum_name=bitcoin-development "

MtGox has been having a shit ton of issues with it's exchange lately, this could just be them trying to excuse their incompetence.

BTC will likely continue to drop as this develops in any case
+0 / -0
You think a single bug is enough? Because Spring and ZK...

The press release is misleading with the whole presentation of it being a new issues.

Umm.. mtgox doesnt make it sound new. They even said:
..., while known to at least a part of the Bitcoin core developers and mentioned on the BitcoinTalk forums.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
ZK doesn't try to be the biggest technological whatever in history of mankind though. I mean, ZK tourneys even have smaller prizes than Evo ones!
+0 / -0
10 years ago
BTC doesn't either. It's just money.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
:D as soon as it botoms out buy up all bitcoins
+0 / -0
Mt. Gox? Lawl.



The issue with spoofing a transaction ID ... has been known and documented for years ... the official Bitcoin daemon (bitcoind) does not rely on a transaction ID.

So why does Mt. Gox experience this issue? They run a custom Bitcoin daemon, with a custom implementation of the Bitcoin protocol. Their implementation, against all advice, does rely on the transaction ID, which makes this attack possible.

Mt. Gox is dead, btc will be live on. At least until doge prevails.

To the moon.
+6 / -0