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Springiee bug for custom host

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11 years ago
As a first result from our bug tests, we have two confirmed bugs to report:

#1 Bug: Springiee fails to change to latest git version of Spring.

I tried to !setengine 95.0.1-69-g085ed98, but Springiee did nothing.
However, it did change the engine when I used !setengine 95.0.1-68-gfe4b02a(previous git version)

#2 Bug: Surfboard tries to load the commander, gets stuck for about 10 to 15 seconds in which I'm unable to select the commander nor move the Surfboard. Then it moves, but the commander is floating way misaligned with the transport.
Rafal[ZK]: Actually the surfboard loads it but doesn't move the comm to itself. Then when surfboard moves the comm does with it, and when it rotates the comm rotates but keeping its offset so effectively it flies in air in circles.
The bug so far was only happening when loading comm, didn't happen when loading Mariner, whether the Mariner was in water or on land.
Correction: I just tested and it happens when loading any unit that is MOVING. Never happens when loading stationary unit.
Game Version: Spring 95.0.1-68-gfe4b02a develop
ZK Version: Test 12076
Map Position: Pos 1965 1824 (stuck Surfboard), Pos 2353 1831 (floating commander), around 5 min into the game.
Link to QuantumProjects' infolog: link
Link to QuantumProjects' replay: link
Link to Shadowfury333's infolog: link
+1 / -0

11 years ago
I fixed the Surfboard - Flying Comm bug in http://code.google.com/p/zero-k/source/detail?r=12085
+2 / -0
11 years ago
@Rafal[ZK], could you look into another bug? The surfboard is currently able to load the skutter (raider ship).
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It was always that way.
It can load Mariner, Skeeter, Typhoon, Shredder and Snake.

ZK has modrules tag allowing ships to be transported, so whoever set it, it seems intentional.
+0 / -0
Can Vindicator load those things? It makes no sense to make a ship inside a ship so it can swim while it swims - but airlifting lighter ships does.

Ok, so i tested this:
- Surfboard can also load all subs, including Leviathan.
- Vindicator can load all ships up to Enforcer, inclusive.
- Vindicator cannot load subs because it can't reach underwater.
- Vindicator can lift a Surfboard with its cargo at no extra slowdown. This means, you can airlift Leviathan by loading it into Surfboard, then loading said Surfboard into Vindicator, so it can travel while it travels.
+3 / -0
Airlifting ships actually makes a lot of sense tbh. No need for passages or similar.

Now we just need to fly submarines around...
Edit: Oh...
+0 / -0
See ninja-edit above... :P

Ninja-ninjaedit: it seems that Vindicators can actually load subs in engine 95 without need for surfboard. Also Valkyries can load everything up to Crusader inclusive, and can load Snakes, too.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
That's... pretty broken xD

Too bad you can't easily airlift warlord to a mountaintop... Crusader will have to do.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
You can't unload units on impassable terrain, so you'd need to selfd the transport to unload Crusader on mountaintop.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Omg this has epic trolling potential.
+1 / -0
What I just found:
If you load Enforcer into Vindicator, then while the Vindi is rising to its normal flying altitude you partially reclaim the Vindi, it will keep rising infinitely, so effectively you get space Enforcer (or whatever other unit you pick).
It will only drop if you selfdestruct the Vindi nanoframe.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Can it shoot to ground?
+0 / -0

11 years ago
No, but some units can I bet. Those with ballistic weapons will even get range advantage.
Also you can simply use it at the start of the game to excape your comm to the Moon and become unkillable that way.
Fighters have problems rising to such heights and even if they do, they don't rise faster than transport does so will never catch it.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
+7 / -0
11 years ago
+3 / -0

11 years ago
i so have to abuse this.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Too late.

+0 / -0
Also, looks like this:

#1 Bug: Springiee fails to change to latest git version of Spring.

... was fixed here: https://code.google.com/p/zero-k/source/detail?r=12089

Hooray! Kill all the bugs!

Edit: Never Mind, I Can't Read. That was a different bug that got fixed (the ignores-!map-command bug).
+0 / -0