Nice, mostly (except the first, lens flare, eww). One thing this really shows though is how much we need to improve the shield fx.
+0 / -0
Yeah I know how everyone despices the lense flair, I do it myself too. But that's mainly because it's such a cheesy filter. And it does rather fit in the first picture. People who don't use photoshop would like it. :)
+0 / -0
Yeah :) Very nice ! Id like to know how to work with photoshop but I dont even have it :D Good job. Check more screens from archive and you can remake it.
+0 / -0
Mosquito, the Zero-K logo at the top of the page is a good one.
+0 / -0
Look shiney... I don't want after effects...
+0 / -0
I suggest to avoid cold white pictures - you get boring about it. This does not match this pictures, but the chosen background of our forum :)
+0 / -0
I could add those to the other ones if you like, pretty nice stuff Any Zero-k branded ones possible?
+0 / -0
Sure :D tried to make different ones, for example some want an empty background and some want a background with much to see. Should add the logo yes :) soon
+0 / -0
Holy SHIT these just blew my mind. Mosquito, your screenshots are amazing. The poses, the warp FX, the perfect timing and sheer attention to detail are all in a league of their own. These deserve a place on the top shelf! Send more!
+0 / -0
I just have to say it again, BG21 is amazing.
+0 / -0
So, is there a filter to make zero-k have a circle display original color, and edges all in greyscale?
+0 / -0
Those pictures look really cool :-) I like them .. only issue is first one having jagged lines (not enough AA) and no jet trails and jet engine flame (no lups on?) and last one having icons in distance instead of units, but thats minor.
+0 / -0
 archl, that might be a cool idea for the shields, we could have the shield be like a disorted bubble with more vivid/more gray colours, that might look really cool. But shields will have to be moved over to LUA or something first.
+0 / -0
Pinguin, post your ideas about the shields here. There's talk by Karotte about changing the shield texture and stuph. http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/102Also, I posted some of these up on ModDB. http://www.moddb.com/games/zero-k/images/zero-k-screenshot
+0 / -0
Picture that occured during a game that got paused at just the right time!  Someone is not having a nice day at all. I have three more of the same from shallower angles if you think those will be better. Link will be active after the file uploads (can be a few hours)
+0 / -0
+2 / -0
tbh always opening new threads with same topic instead of sticking to already existing threads is decreasing forum quality just imagine the amount of posts in a single merged firepluk is bad thread
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