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By The_Yak

5 way lava crystal underworld, Made by The_Yak(lwagner5465@gmail.com)
Size: 22 x 22


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10 years ago

Lava shader currently causes color problems with ZK, new version coming out later that should "fix" them
+3 / -0
10 years ago
This map is so heavy metal, even the name!
+2 / -0
10 years ago
This looks like an interesting map. How does it play?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
My eyes!!! :S

No offense, but i can't play on this map. The lava texture is way too busy.

It is nice to look at, but to play on...

Same goes for this map btw http://zero-k.info/Maps/Detail/12665
+1 / -0

10 years ago
The lava texture is way too busy.

My own complaint is directly opposite: lava texture is too repetitive and large scale.

Something more monotonic in its tiling and with lower tile size would be much better, imo:

... etc
+0 / -0

+2 / -0
Yes! but the scale of the texture is still fairly large compared to terrain/heightmap features.

However, repetitiveness of the tiles is now much harder to spot, and brightness/contrast make them less prominent than actual terrain.

I'll see if i can do anything to the gadget's luagl and/or shader to reduce world-size of tiles.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
-88 MB is bit large, can remove unneeded files (3d objects, gimp projects etc)
-do not pack maps as solid archive
-lava explosions are black in some mods, missing texture maybe
-Mister LavaLava is included but not used?!?!
+0 / -0

10 years ago
88 MB is indeed heavy. That's close to 0.1 GB...
+0 / -0

10 years ago
-Mister LavaLava is included but not used?!?!

Rendering code is used.

-88 MB is bit large, can remove unneeded files (3d objects, gimp projects etc)

That won't decrease by much i think >.>
+0 / -0
some extra crap is included because beta, yeah, but don't expect filesize to go down much when I remove it, only about 5-10mb packed.

Most of the space is taken up by the 80mb .smt file... can't do much about that so this is gonna be a big map. You have been warned.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
There's a lot of unused space on the left and some more on the top and bottom. I mean, the playable area is small in relation to the mapsize...

I know, people don't have to play/watch it when they don't want to, but i regularly find ZK maps to take an absurd amount of disk space (it's cheap nowadays, i get it), so i'm in favor of conservative map size usage.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
the playable area is small in relation to the mapsize

Not really. It appears so because of the way lava is drawn, which is much further than map edges. How to detect: compare heightmap above to screenshot.
+1 / -0

10 years ago
It's not unused space, lava is hover playable. that's why there are islands around the edges.

maps have to be square in spring, if you want to have a round map like this one there has to be some empty space around the edges.

if you want a map with a small filesize, don't look for 22x22 ffa maps
+0 / -0
I merely wanted to raise awareness that maps of such filesizes may not be enjoyed/able for parts of the community.

Thanks for the hints on hovers and heightmap, i was not aware of that (although i do happen to be aware of the need for maps to be rectangular in spring).
+1 / -0
I've hacked the Beherith lava shader to use engine-provided heightmap instead of pre-baked texture.

Also, lava has been slightly retuned to have smaller tiles.

Stay tuned.
+4 / -0
This is now a devblog.

And this is now a mexspot:
+2 / -0
To be fair, it's possible to make a large map small with aggressive use of tiling - see http://zero-k.info/Maps/DetailName?name=Castles

Of course, it's hard to do that and make a map look *good*, but it's definitely possible to make a 2.5mb 16x16 FFA. The question is whether or not it's worth the effort.
+0 / -0

10 years ago
20x26, 22mb
+0 / -0

10 years ago
USrankAdminCarRepairer - Dat tiling

Thanks to help from Anarchid lava shader edge glow now works and zk grid colors are now fixed.
+1 / -0
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