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I am curious about the general opinion of you zero k players regarding Church today.When i say church try to talk only about the Catholic Church and Orthodox Church.If we consider the rest it will take to much time and to many posts.

I just post some suggestions here regarding faith and real life examples with science included where some bodies of people (they are considered saints) didnt decompose even to this day.Example:

This is padre Pio a Catholic Priest

Another example is Saint Bernadette

I saw a long time ago a documentary where the preservation method was explained.One of them was with mercury and didnt have the same effects as we have above as it did in that case explained and taped.Also lots of ancient mumies dont look like the ones above, even if it passed hundreds of years after theyr death.

I even heard of another proof of a Saint's Hand that constantly is warm .You can find it in Mount Athos from what i remember.Il try to ask for more details if som1 needs it.(Its an Orhodox saint).

There are still lots of youtube videos showing possesed people that react verry bad in the presence of Holy water and Priests.Some Priest say that many of the psychological disorders and disease are in fact soul problems and types of sins.

Its weird that most of the supernatural things that occur in different places arround the world react verry strange and violent to Church ceremonies(Blessing of the house and other).Reaction like direct hits and more...I dont have clear videos of this but if you have the guts you can try yourselfs if you have problems of this sort:)
+0 / -0

I don't even care if your church can make saints not decay, statues cry, or perform exorcisms. If that is really how you are using your supernatural powers, you are a complete arsehole. Hell you don't even need to use your supernatural powers to cure AIDS. We can do this already, it's called condoms.

The Catholic Church opposes the use of condoms, which massively increases the spread of AIDS in the developing world, which has set Africa back decades. The catholic church are arseholes, their backwards campaigns are responsible for millions of deaths, they KNOW this but they still oppose the use of condoms. Not even getting into child sex abuse, and the huge amount of money that is spent maintaining these men in their silks and golden brocade (Oh you think you're giving to charity when you give to the Church? How do you think they afford their Manses?).

Of course, the miracles are bullshit anyway. Of course mentally ill people react badly to religious ritual. They're mentally ill. If they think they're possessed by Satan because they are hallucinating like fuck (It's actually far more common though for them to think they are Jesus, not Satan) they're going to freak the hell out when you beat them with a Bible.

Mental illness is a type of sin? Jump off a bridge.
+6 / -1
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AUrankAdminSaktoth if you say miracols are a bullshit annyway without providing proof they are please dont comment on this forrum.I already saw to many people rejecting things that are 100% clear and with proof ,considering them as you said "bullshit".As i posted above bring me proof of theyr fake and i agree with you.Regarding the Church wealth, watch the curent money Papacy gains in the Vatican state.Vatican state curently is on - and most of the wealth they have are in jewlery that they obtained in the middle-ages.

Regarding the AIDS problem.I remember from what i read in my college that a disease called plasmopara viticola that destroys vineyards a teacher mentioned to us as "Saint Stephen disease ".From what i know AIDS is the result of people acting like dogs and not like humans, behaving like there is no consequence for theyr sins (bad behavior).What will you like to have? Parents that before theyr mariage went with 10-20 other parteners and made lots of childrens? How will you feel about that?Oh wait not its verry new, soon we will have gay parents taking care of children. Be serious AUrankAdminSaktoth, i brought you proof why disease are the result of bad behavior, plese bring be contradictionary proof ragarding this problem.

"Mental illness is a type of sin? Jump off a bridge."" Again another comment with no proof and bad behavior.At least act rationally and stop making such reply.I said i have proof, and mental illness can be the result of sins(bad behavior).And the Bibble in the head thing doesnt apply, he just reads from Prayer book and the possesed people react...weird.
No Biblies in the head needed...
Regarding the wealth again, can you please tell me a place where there is no coruption? Why do we always see the black dot on a white dress when there are tons of black donts changing the colors of other white dresses.

I was expecting more from you AUrankAdminSaktoth, if you are a rational man as you showed many times please lets talk in a rational matter and not in a "thats bullshit, jump of a bridge " matter.

How do you want to use the superantural powers AUrankAdminSaktoth , forgot to mention.If you have the what will you do?
+0 / -7

10 years ago
Please close this thread before all hell breaks loose. (no pun intended)
+8 / -0
I was proud of the community for a whole 47 minutes that nobody responded. Anyone can see where this thread is going.

I can't really 'blame' any individual for being religious because indoctrination is a powerful thing and they get you at a young age. The whole thing just makes me sad and I don't see any 'solution'. Maybe if we improve living standards worldwide it would die off over 100s of years as seems to be the trend in developed countries.

I'm willing to wait on closing the thread (even though it has started badly). There have been some surprisingly reasonable discussions on these forums about similarly heated topics.
+5 / -0
10 years ago
I was just curious, cause i saw lots of evidence on youtube and talking to other people.:)But well if you @Googlefrog agree we can close it.At least let AUrankAdminSaktoth respond with reasonable evidence, i want to know his opinion.
+0 / -0
People 6000 years ago knew how to preserve dead for centuries..
No doubt people in modern world can do the same. After all it's all in the higher principle of getting more people on the right path!

This guy here is dead for nearly a century as well, miracle of communism?
+4 / -0
10 years ago
Flamewar ahoy! I think religion and politics should not be allowed on this forum.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
ROrankForever you can never prove that miracles don't happen. But the central keypoint of science is falsifiability.

You need to be able to prove that claim is INVALID, not valid. All claims that are not falsifialbe - that is, they don't produce testifiable predictions are outside the realm of science and in the realm of wishful thinking and fairy tales.

Example of testifiable claim:
- if i drop a cannon ball from 10m it will impact the ground at 51km/h
- people with similar injury who are being prayed for are healing faster
- people born in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Saggitarius) are more likely to be extroverts than other signs

Those are examples of testable and falsifiable predictions. Each of them was produced by a certain community and two of them have been successfully and repeatable falsified. You can guess which one.
+1 / -0
10 years ago
Nice photo CZrankAdminLicho, finally a right answer to my posts, not go jump of bridge or others.
+1 / -0
nice question EErankAdminAnarchid, if we are able to make them for example the are those certain amount of people that will always exploit them in bad ways, like bombs and etc...(sefishness).

How much money is put into military and other useless stuff that makes poverty and many other things
And you will understand that if we invest in military as we invest in energy tech we can find the solution from making energy out of water.

We already have the ways to solve all our problems

Problem is what do we see as a miracle? A mountain moving because a Saint asked that? a Blind man when he sees for the first time flowers and the envirnoment? It depends EErankAdminAnarchid.
I think the real miracole is when man wants what is good for himself and for the others.Problem is that we mostly want it for ourselfs and forget the others, or sometimes we step on the others.
+0 / -0
Why do people think not discussing these things is the 'responsible' way to deal with it? We're adults. We're allowed to disagree. What's it going to do, split the community irrevocably apart and create war lines between the religious and the non-religious? I'll be happy to have Forever on my team next game, the kid has teh elos.

I ended up being just as strident in the Chemical Weapons thread with Forever and went at him pretty hard about Romanias history as a client state of various Empires and we had a pretty good discussion. The world didn't end. The thread never got locked.

You don't want to hear a frank discussion of ideas you can not read this thread. If you aren't discussing religion and politics, frankly you're not discussing anything of any importance to the world. So go talk about Star Wars or Ben Afleck as Bat Man, I wont stop you.

I told you to go jump off a bridge because I know a lot of mentally ill people, mostly depression and anxiety disorders. They are some of the most lovely people ever, and the idea that they are being punished for Sin is just awful. But I've also known a few Schizophrenics, who can be incredibly credulous when it comes to believing religious dogma. Sometimes it's Hinduism, or pre-christian Paganism, sometimes it's Christianity. These people hallucinate everything from alien abduction to the CIA tracking them to them being the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. These notions about mental illness lend credibility to their delusions. Do you know how bad that is? How destructive that is? For people to tell them 'All your paranoid delusions are real!'. Or to tell a depressed person 'You are being punished because you're a bad person'. Wow.

Anyway, I specifically said I don't care if these miracles are real. Because I've looked into them (Shroud or Turin etc), and the Church does not allow any scientific scrutiny or investigation of them. They rely entirely on your credulity, they are not subject to rigorous investigation. Same with Astrology and spirit healing (Whether it comes from a western or eastern tradition, Christian or not!).

If these miracles are real, and that is how the Church uses it's magical super powers, then they're arseholes. Because that's a really useless way to use magical powers. Go cure AIDS. If I had supernatural powers I'd cure AIDS.

Because your idea about AIDS in Africa is totally wrong. There are children getting this disease. There are women who have only slept with one man getting this disease, when he cheats. These are dogs? You are the one to sit in judgement of an entire society wracked by a disease because a few individuals had more sex than you're comfortable with?

And why are you so uncomfortable withe sex? Do you like sex? Have you had sex? Why is sex wrong? What's wrong about it? Really, where is the amorality in sex? The only amorality in sex comes from sexual abuse, which is rampant in the church.

There is amorality in those things that cause pain, suffering, corruption, misery, poverty. Sex causes pleasure and babies. Nothing wrong there.
+0 / -0
The dog comment is especially funny because sex solely for reproduction, as some religious leaders preach, is what dogs and not humans do (see estrous cycle). Having lots of children with lots of random partners indeed!
+3 / -0

10 years ago
Oh yeah fusion is progressing and it's a good start

+0 / -0
10 years ago
"Being punished" its not like they were punished.Is the knife responsable for a man who plays with it and cuts itself? No, the man that plays with it.So we have the sins, just replace knife with the sins and you have your answer.

"And why are you so uncomfortable withe sex? Do you like sex? Have you had sex? Why is sex wrong? What's wrong about it? Really, where is the amorality in sex? The only amorality in sex comes from sexual abuse, which is rampant in the church.". Regarding this i don't like talking about my life so i wont do that.
Problem is that the innocent AIDS children are the responsability of the parents , so those parents will be judged because of the suffering of the child.Whats so bad in having just 1 person in life to share what you said above?And why most people chose the bad habits before the real life responsability? Most of us run from responsability and thats why its considered a sin the action between parteners before marying.If you have it and you care about that person you will have that action after marying.

Also regarding the people who had "ben punished by sin".This is just a general idea and doesnt apply to all cases as i mentioned in a post above.We dont know for sure why people are born with "certain different things" from us even if they had the proper geens. There are to much to talk about the reaction of sins and the behavior of humans ragarding it.
For an example if Hitler would be born mental ill how would the world be now?

Thats the thing, you just need to see the big picture and to understand that many of the things we carry in life have a purpose.And i am not in the right state to judge what you said about "They are some of the most lovely people ever".I dont know why som1 people get this and why som1 people dont, i just posted an idea that brings up more questions then asnwers. The real thig is that it truly has a purpose even if you dont belive it.
+0 / -0
Singu ...you serious CZrankAdminLicho, only place we have a singu is the center of our galaxy:)).Regarding this JUST MAKE THE SINGU EXPLODE MOAR.And make singu more energy productive so we will have like 1 singu producing 3000 energy but explodes with the range of 4 nukes:D.Awesome right:D?
+0 / -0
Depression and anxiety disorders, much less Schizophrenia, are not knives. They are not the fault of the person 'using' them. The sufferer is not at fault or blame. What wrong act, what knife-juggling, did this person do to deserve mental illness? Bad things happen to good people. To blame a person for bad things happening to them is worse than simply wrong, it is cruel. Uncharitible even, unchristian! :P

So with AIDS, an innocent suffers for no good reason? Oh wait there is a reason. Because the Church blocks the use of Condoms. Then there would be no AIDS and no AIDS children. Suffering prevented!

'That action'? It's sex. Fucking. These are okay words. There is nothing wrong with having it with 1 person. Or 10, or 20, sometimes all at once. Why are these 'bad habits'? Where is the bad? Where is the suffering they create? All it creates is fun, love and happiness as long as you use a Condom to prevent STI's and pregnancy. But the Church wont allow that. It makes sex from something positive to something potentially damaging by prohibiting the condom. It adds evil to the world when there should be no evil.

That's the thing. This is not just 'Bad things happening for some reason we don't understand'. We understand how AIDS works, we understand the method of infection, we understand how it spreads, we understand how to prevent it. The same with mental illness. It's frequently treatable. Instead we have the church blocking contraception, or telling Schizophrenics they are possesed by demons instead of getting them medication. They call this 'The will of God'. That it's the victims fault for behaving like a 'dog' or living in 'sin'. They're the ones causing this suffering. It's the will of the Church. Not the will of god.

You don't have to tell me that there is a big picture, that all these things have a reason behind them, that it's all cause and effect, that they exist for a purpose. I know full well the cause of suffering in our world. As you said, corrupt men doing corrupt things happens everywhere.

As you said in the Chemical Weapons thread, there is so much corruption in your country, and it hurts your people. There is your root of suffering. It isn't something the Romanians did, it's something that is done to the Romanians by powerful arseholes.
+1 / -0
I honestly believe miracle has some influence of the devil/satan in it. If not, why do you need overwhelming "proof" (like miracles) to make people believe while Faith is suppose to be enought? why does this "overwhelming proof" suddenly backfire & people more critize the religion more?

There were no talk in the ancient scripture(s) about these miracle explicitly. All this new miracles about dead people don't root and statue crying is 100% new case.

Why does proof using miracle(s) doesn't work? why does it create more anger and outburst? why does miracle often lead to worshipping idols and dead people (or saints)? why does picture of HELL too vivid in all their illustration?

Its a conspiracy. You don't need miracle(s) to believe in god. People believing in god even without miracle. There's something else about life that is more magical yet subtle.
+2 / -0

10 years ago
That's... a start. So okay, miracles are the work of the devil. So that means the Chruch and Bible, which are full of miracles, are full of tricks by the devil. Meaning they're full of lies. So... maybe... if it's all full of lies... even what you know about God and the Devil are lies...
+0 / -0
I don't subscribe to this religion, that's why I have this perspective.

Miracle(s) are going to kill all religion for sure...
+0 / -0
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