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MEx spot building

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Ploping fac on mex spot is one of things for which noobies get seriosly bad treatment.

I was thinkink about a gadget which would forbid placing any building (or at least factory) on MEx spot.

Any objections?
+5 / -0
11 years ago
Do it. Eventually make it configurable, so some players may do some silly tactics.
Just do it!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Ok, ill see what can i do. (just dont expect it soon).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:D no buildings on duck and trololo!!!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:D no buildings on duck and trololo!!!

It should be easy to automatically turn off gadget if map have no mex spots inicialized.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Do it for geo too?
+0 / -0
This may not need be a gadget. It could be like an assistant widget that block command to build stuff on mex, and you can test/debug this widget in OFFICIAL game even before you can finally include it in ZK.

All the mexes information is available from the widget side and widget can also read user's command & override it such that new behaviour is created (use the widget:CommandNotify() function to read user's command).

An good example is Central_Build_AI widget which block user's construction command when Shift is pressed to re-issue it again to available constructors.
+3 / -0
11 years ago
Ploping fac on mex spot is one of things for which noobies get seriosly bad treatment.

make the gadget available for metal storages too, i tend to place them on mexes...
+1 / -0
11 years ago
I sometimes place an Energy Pylon surrounded by wall terraform on easily raidable mex spots. Opponents can assume that it's just a normal mex and then their Rector ball sent to level the ground gets blown up by selfdestruct.

This is worse than restricting unit share to enemies. (Prostrat build a nuke silo to 20 %, share flea, after it dies reclaim the silo. It's obvious that you are showing the silo on purpose but your opponents will never live it down if they skip antinuke and it turns out you were in fact rushing nuke for real, therefore incentive)
+0 / -0

11 years ago


thats absolutely not cost effective.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
the clue is in the name
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Make it a widget.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Widget or not, it would be interesting to have mex spots "clickable", so right-click with builder would queue mex placement - and rmb-drag would do area-mex, in accord with area-reclaim.
+4 / -0

11 years ago
I did that in my game by placing special cave features on the spots, but I don't think ZK would want that.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Widget or not, it would be interesting to have mex spots "clickable", so right-click with builder would queue mex placement - and rmb-drag would do area-mex, in accord with area-reclaim.

was already suggested aeons ago...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
just a widget that does it, which can be disabled by players in the F12 menu, woul be fine
+1 / -0

11 years ago
The F11 menu is no longer considered to be a valid place to put options. For something to be configurable it needs to be in the ingame menu thing.

Anyone can make a widget for this. It would be a good thing to have.
+0 / -0
I'm not sure about these proposed solutions, but I will say, it is a pain in the ass.

I have done this SOO MANY TIMES (2 times). When I first came back to Zero-K about 8 months ago, I didn't know about the fact that you could ONLY put your mexes on the metal spots. I was ridiculed by my teammates.

In another match, the mex spots were not clearly marked. Again, ridicule.

It's Zero-K's fault, really. Any time it happens, the flat of my hand feels a magnetic pull toward my forehead.

If I was a noob playing a game where this happened to someone and I didn't know any better, that would be it for me.

I would come to some quick conclusions about the designers and players of such a game.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
What about making it one of those speech bubble tips? Like the 'we don't need another fac so soon', etc..
+0 / -0
11 years ago
I'm talking about the first, "free" factory, USrankDensaugeo.
+0 / -0