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voting system is stupid

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there is like 10 votes to start game, 3 votes no and game isint starting... where is democracy? because this is idiocracy
+5 / -0
Each !n vote makes the start-poll more difficult to pass. In other polls, the !n votes don't make it harder to pass.

This does cause awkward situations from time to time, where a couple of people prevent a game from starting. Usually this results in a roulette of map- and startvotes which after 1-5 minutes solves the situation.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
thats just stupid if more than half people votes it should pass even if it is 5 vs 6
+0 / -0

11 years ago
People who dont want to play can make the passed vote game fail (for example they know they will be temp AFK or wait for friend and if vote passed they woudlnt play and screw the game even more)
+2 / -0
If they dont want or can't play, they should spec instead of blocking others from playing.
There are also cases where 2-3 people block the game from starting for 10 minutes because they are not pleased with any of the 20 maps thats got meanwhile rotated.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Solution, as with everything, is to play smaller games with fewer players.
+3 / -0
Solution, as with everything, is to play smaller games with fewer players.

That means that leaving the "larger games with more players" available and dominant is a harmful option and a bad design choice.

So either said solution is incorrect, or it is mis-implemented by still allowing this to happen.
+4 / -0
11 years ago
There are different reasons to vote !n
-you do not want to start the game in this setup, because do not like map/teams etc
-you do not want to start the game right now, because something prevents you from playing in next short time. (like have quickly do something, like close antivir update or start voicechat program or wait 30 seconds for a friend who has to restart lobby,..)

I think that is different and players need ways to signal that.
Like with the "ready up" button that was used before/is used other hosts/lobbies use.
(Players not readying up or votespam is similiar annoyance)
If you think about it, ready-status is the same as voting:
Except that you can always "vote yes" to start (=ready up) not only when a vote is active. And it does not spam the chat.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
It's player demand, Anarchid. We've tried this a dozen times, to shut down these kinds of games, to get people to seed new ones, to split games and try and make more than one survive.

You know what happens when we set a player count? Everyone stacks in the one room to spectate and tries to get a spot when the game ends.

So yeah our players are stupid.
+1 / -0
So yeah our players are stupid.

"You do not like what i like, so you stupid."

+1 / -0
I feel like you didn't actually understand anarchid's post. Read it with a sarcastic tone and you'll notice that he meant "said solution" (playing smaller games) is incorrect, not the presence of big games.

Subtle, Anarchid, subtle.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
So yeah our system makes players behave stupid.
further reading:
+3 / -0

11 years ago
I think that is different and players need ways to signal that.

They can say something in chat.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If saying something in chat worked then there would be no need for any kind of system. Neither for ready-state or voting or sync-checking,...
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Could the spec threshold be lowered then? That way if you have some non-voters or people that are just stalling you can more easily move them so you can start the game. Dunno just an idea.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
IMHO vote system is stupid because it's ridiculously easy to abuse (specs can vote for most stuff, no delay between different polls...)
+1 / -0
11 years ago
Quote FIranksprang> This does cause awkward situations from time to time, where a couple of people prevent a game from starting. Usually this results in a roulette of map- and startvotes which after 1-5 minutes solves the situation.

!n spam is a result of !start spam
!start spam is a result of trolls and/or !map spam
!map spam is a result of too big hosts, uncreative map choices and/or trolls

The system should give each player influence (limited max, gain) and actions drain it.
Just like metal/energy ingame :)
+0 / -0