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Disable AFK Giveaway

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11 years ago
Is there a way to disable the feature which gives your units to a ally if it detects you are AFK? I was playing with a couple of friends today and one was getting really frustrated with it. It wasn't so much that it gave the units away but that it didn't give everything back. He told me that he wasn't going AFK. These were both new players.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Although I don't think there is a way currently, an option could be added if you really wanted to disable it in private games. If it is really something so bad that it turns someone away then it's probably worth it.
+3 / -0
11 years ago
ive always hated the afk give crap... its terible and i hate it :P
+0 / -0
Are you really idling for that long in the game? It's kind of hard to believe.

Perhaps we detection could be better, does it register only orders or does it also register mouse movement? We're already detecting mouse movement, so... it should probably be based on that.

Ideally though it would not give units away, just allow any ally to give orders to your units, but I think that's impossible to do in spring.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
It uses mouse movements (perhaps not exhaustively) with a 30s time limit.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
How does coop mode work? Maybe that could be used to solve giving units away.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
How does coop mode work?

It doesn't.
+1 / -0
11 years ago
it tracks mouce clicks and screen movment (when you scroll around)

:P speaking form experiance due to doing a dirty hack that bypasses anti-afk shit
+0 / -0
Saktoth, to answer your question, I personally haven't had any issue with idling in games however new players I've tried to introduce the game to do. When I watched this most recent replay, it appears that my friend was just watching a couple units he was making finish building. Almost immediately after his units were given to his teammate he moved his mouse again and got (almost) everything back.

Technically, I think the feature is a great idea but I guess I don't understand its need. I understand giving away units if a player disconnects but how often does a player just leave the computer in the middle of a game long enough where it causes problems for the team?

If the feature is here to stay then I hope it gets better at giving all the units back to the original player. It's not fun to see that kind of frustration in a potential new player. If posting the replay or logs or anything would help that effort then let me know.
+1 / -0

11 years ago
Maybe this feature should be disabled in private hosts?
+0 / -0
11 years ago
If the feature is here to stay then I hope it gets better at giving all the units back to the original player.

But if you really "give" him your fac for some time, you are draining his metal!
And your part of team income fills your metal bar.

Maybe constructors and factories should be set to low-priority for the time they are given away.
+0 / -0