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My game cant start because as soon as I join 'failed to load font:/FreeSansBold.otf any advice (btw its a wonder I manage to download zero-k in the first place).
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11 years ago
That seems to have happened to many people at some time. Simply download the font and install it then restart ZKL.
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Any suggestions as where to download?
And as how I put it in my files.
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11 years ago
Nvm it started to work lets hope it doesn't start up again :P.
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A quickfix is to restart lobby and rejoin the game.

I have tried intalling the font (the font is in Spring folder) but it seems to happen anyway.
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11 years ago
I suggest you download it from The Internet. Here is a link http://lmgtfy.com/?q=FreeSansBold+download
+0 / -0
NO... the font IS IN the Spring folder.
Go check Spring/Font
Press FreeSansBold.otf & click Install (yes to security question), then that's all. It wont fix stuff.
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11 years ago
So you're saying it will be in ...\Documents\My Games\Spring\engine\91.0\fonts and for some reason Spring doesn't find it? Installing it from there may help or maybe the lobby restart is all that is required.
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11 years ago
I have had this too. The font was where it should have been but it still didn't start. I think I fixed it by replacing the font file with a symlink to the font file in the spring that I had compiled.
+0 / -0
I have a very dirty install of spring in three different folders with different versions of the engine, etc. (Documents\Spring, Documents\My games\Spring, Documents\Spring91)
So I copied the FreeSansBold file in all of the subfolders called Font (one was empty) and then it worked just fine after a restart :)
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