This is what I want:
Engine 91.0
Zero-K v1.1.3.6
This is what I do:
Open new battle
Game Name: Zero-K v1.1.3.6
Springie Commands: !setengine 91.0
If I leave 'Game Name' blank it loads, if I leave !setengine 91.0 off it always sets to 94.1
It's hit or miss as to what engine loads, usually it takes about 10-15 tries to get it.
There's often a spam message pop up about having to wait a second, not sure if that's from me starting and killing servers every few seconds though.
Tried !setengine 91.0 after opening and just get a message that it's changing engine, but it then goes to load it and kills the server or it doesn't even get that far most times.
I figure I'm doing something wrong.