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Where to hide from the heat death of universe? Enter time crystals!

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11 years ago
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11 years ago
This thing can be used to construct a computer-like device which would carry on complex calculations in an arbitrary long loop and continue doing so forever.

+0 / -0
11 years ago
Witchery!!! Burn this "scientist"!!!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Burnery!!! Science this "witch"!!!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Sciencery!!! Burn this "witch"!!!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Sciencery!!! Witch this 'burn"!!!
+0 / -0

11 years ago
this needs a gif!

+0 / -0

time crystals derive their movement not from stored energy but from a break in the symmetry of time, enabling a special form of perpetual motion.

I stopped reading there...

Maybe when i get bored, i will go back to it...
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There is nothing in physics that would forbid perpetual motion if its the groundstate of the system!

But I guess you are the one who would burn witches in the middle ages ..

Perhaps you forgot that electrons are circling atoms or current circles endless in superconductive loop..
unless you extract energy there are system where stuff keeps on moving..
+0 / -0

11 years ago
There is nothing in physics that would forbid perpetual motion if its the groundstate of the system!

But there's something that forbids such systems to actually do work.

And to perform computations, you must perform work.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
No, if the computations run in a loop.. There is no work done, it does not compute anything new, just runs the same cycle over and over again.

Its just a crystal with symmetry in time dimension
+0 / -0
11 years ago
but yea that looks like a pretty intreting experiment. maybe i should get into nanotechnology, it looks fun...
+0 / -0
Its just a crystal with symmetry in time dimension

It will be kinda fun if they will succeed in actually proving that time is an axis of space (which is required for such a "crystal" definition), since amongst other things that kinda implies existence of an absolute clock and planes of simultaneity. You know, special frame of reference and such.

(it does seem that the experiment and the grit of their stuff actually has nothing to do with whether time is an axis, but the definition has everything to do with time as an axis)
+0 / -0
Uh... If two masses rotate around each other because of gravity, they too change their structure without using energy... And they repeat their pattern. Am i missing a point here?

I mean seriously, if a "ground state" has zero energy then the potential created by the repulsive forces between those ions means they are not in a "ground state".

I'm aware that the article ofcourse makes simplifications to explain what's going on, but that makes it completely incoherent in its verifyability...

Until somebody shows me the difference between a sun-planet system (without radiation ofcourse) and those 100 calcium ions in their "time crystal model", i'll stand by the point that they're not proving anything.

Re: Computing
If you gain information (= decrease entropy) you'll have to use energy. And i don't exactly see the point of repeating the same calculation over and over.
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Point is massive data storage.. You could simulate say matrix world in a loop. Loop would include far more data than the initial state of structure in time 0.
It's like a mass data storage spread over time which will never decay.

Probably not really useful in near future except to probe universe :)
+0 / -0
Wait so does it compute anything or does it store something? In either case, you can only squeeze so much information into a certain amount of space (or to be more precise, enclose it in a minimal surface area), with black holes being the upper limit.

And i still don't get what's (simply put) special about rotation/oscillation not requiring energy.

Also keep in mind that for crystals, the atoms aren't forced to stay where they are, grid places are just better energy-wise (without interstitials, steel would be pretty brittle). Likewise, assuming time to actually become discrete is probably a fallacy. My interpretations here might be wonky, so please reply to the first point before commenting on this part.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
:D mauran time axis

means you dont have to have all your data stored in the same time position, it gives an extra coordinate to the data.

basicaly data storage per unit volume is only limited by how long you can wait for the loop

in theory this way you could wsore the whole universe in a system composed of a few atoms, and a really long time...

well if i understood it corectly, and its a read write capable system
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Its not about rotation btw. Just like superfluid can only rotate in whole number multiplies of some basic speed, these time crystals only have discrete configurations. Its a quantum mechanical object spread not only in spatial but also in time dimension.
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