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11 years ago
Why there is antinuke but not anti tac nuke? Missile silo is op in busting porc, there is no defense against it, except not building a porc. But porc is unique part of zero-k. Porc is one of things which make this game special.

And one more little thing. Why there is not gauss unit except tiny paper hover? It counters shields and in some way heavies. Ye, there is huge counter to shields - stiletto, but it also op and should be nerfed as said here http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/4598
maybe medium gauss unit will counter shields to much, so make tweak to gauss mechanic. Like, more shields on its way - less dmg it doing. but to completely reduce dmg from gauss to 1 you need lots of shields. that also will a little nerf det, witch is not bad, as det is a little op, mostly cause of his unstoppable gauss cannons
+0 / -0
11 years ago
oh, and one more thing. make napalm bomber controllable like stiletto during bombing run. And add dmg to his bombs, cause now 1napalm bomber cant even kill a mex
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Going last to first points:

Napalm bombers do kill mex, their fire does damage over time.

Det is OP? Guess how much it costs? By the time Det comes into play there are usually quite a few cost effective methods of disposal readily available to the defenders.

Stilleto is not the only counter to shields, ever tried Ticks?

I'm not against more gauss weapons, but which unit would get replaced? Unit interactions aren't isolated, you have to balance against everything else.

I hate porc. It can go die in a fire. If anything, I wish defenses were less spammable.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Why there is antinuke but not anti tac nuke?

There is! It's called Aegis/Aspis.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
one stun msl from misssile silo makes your Aegis/Aspis useless.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>I hate porc

go play starcraft than. TA, SupCom, and zero-k all this game is all about porc, thats what makes them unique
+0 / -0
i dont like that its uncounterable either, but if you introduce a counter now porc becomes even more op.

the real problem is that there is no other counter for super-heavy porc, and that you absolutely need it to kill anything thats covered by stacked shields - while on the other hand its much too good as a general tool of harassment on tight maps. anyway, even more shields do counter shockleys too, if theyre spread a little.

Porc is one of things which make this game special.

not sure if this was intended by the designers. porc is what makes the game annoying for many people because they like fast, dynamic gameplay. if you want a game where anything is happening at all, you cant have porc thats able to defend against everything. supcom went down that road and the game frequently resolves to endless stalemates or a silly eco+exp rush, zk should try to avoid that (and det rushes are happening quite frequently lately, so were technically already on that road).
+0 / -0
11 years ago
Why there is antinuke but not anti tac nuke?

one stun msl from misssile silo makes your Aegis/Aspis useless.

One EMP missile makes your antinuke useless too! That's the idea behind it.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
>you cant have porc thats able to defend against everything.

catapult can easy trash medium porc, like anni+llts+few shields, but can be countered with raider units if not supported
det can crush almost any pork, 2 dets can annihilate any uber-porc. dets can be countered with stilettos if has not air cover.

missile silo can trash almost any porc, with low cost, and hard to countr with units due to heavy range, so missile silo can be build inside friendly porc.
I dont say we should remove missile silo, but just a little nerf. Like reduce stun radius to stun missile, or make it realy expansive, or reduce overall range of missile silo, or reduce dmg to stun missile so it cant penetrate full charged shields, but drain them almost completely.
Oh, I know! Make stun mechanic for stun missile like here http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/4598 with stiletto
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Missile silo is expensive as hell. You need about 2000 metal to counter any decently shielded porc. And if you can really kill that much more than 2000 metal with 1 eos then the porcer was a bit stupid about it.

Anyways, ZK is not meant to be about porc wars. As mentioned before, the focus is supposed to be on units and army composition. And guess how to counter a missile silo? That's right, units!
+0 / -0
11 years ago
catapult can easy trash medium porc, like anni+llts+few shields, but can be countered with raider units if not supported
det can crush almost any pork, 2 dets can annihilate any uber-porc. dets can be countered with stilettos if has not air cover.

well lets rephrase it then. there is no cost efficient counter to super-porc at all, because all of those options either only work on porc that isnt heavily shielded, or cost more metal than they are supposed to destroy, or can be countered themselves by spamming more shields or terraforming etc. and this is true for tac silo as well.

det for example can be stopped by some 5 annihilators, which cost 9k metal + a few pylons. ofc normally people dont build 5 annihilator on any one spot, so det would work - but if they did focus on keeping the det out, they could do so.

+0 / -0
even more shields do counter shockleys too, if theyre spread a little

Not if it's a grid launch. Of course, carpet-bombing enemy with shockleys is quite quite expensive.

A terraform wall, though, is whole different story.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
det for example can be stopped by some 5 annihilators, which cost 9k metal + a few pylons. ofc normally people dont build 5 annihilator on any one spot, so det would work - but if they did focus on keeping the det out, they could do so.
Not if the det is in a transport shielded by some planes.
My suggestion is to nerf det by making it unable to be transported by Vindicator.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
My suggestion is to nerf det by making it unable to be transported by Vindicator.

We could just reduce the speed of the transport based on the mass of the carried unit. I think someone suggested that before.
+0 / -0
11 years ago
SErankGodde> But then Det has to be a bit more AT ( like 'your' fleas :D )

Det can be hold back by 4-5+ annis and terra wall 600 elmos in front of your annis.
Or killed by 6+ annis + terra wall.
Or hold back by 11 annis without terra wall.

You can remove terra walls with seismic missiles (which have more range than other missiles.
But these can be countered with shields, or razzors/solars on top of terra walls.

If you want to protect det with bombers/fighters, you need multiple screamers.

Nuke - Missile silos should be able to build single-use 1000m anti nukes.
Nukers should be able to distinguish Silo antis from normal antis.

If you can build anti for 2200m, but would lose 1000m then, you can use missile silos for redundancy for the time your regular antis are bomb-run-killed or stunned.
To remove the ability to rush antis, they could require 30s peace before they can be launched (for example by a visible morph into an active version after being build normally)
+0 / -0

11 years ago
Static defencess form an important part of the game, but the game is designed around expansion over a large area and dynamic unit battles, not facing off across a wall of impenetrable defences.

The game is not designed for these massive games on tiny maps where nobody knows how to do anything except porc.

The shield will block at least 1 tacnuke and it's actually quite difficult to make cost in a strict sense using tacnukes on shields.

The hardcounter relationship of EMP, Gauss and Fire to shields is bad. Shields need to be brought down in power to be more balanced vs most other weapons, while losing this very narrow range of vulnerabilities.
+0 / -0
As we got linking shields, most peoples though: nice, +1
But it has severe balancing issues.

Shields are meant to increase the hp of enclosed units against burst damage.

If shields let between 100..50..0 % damage through while 0..50..100 % damaged, they would be a lot easier to balance.

Tac-Nukes for example would get EDIT( absorbed ) by 2 50% charged shields. and not let being passed through by any number of 93% charged shields.

If you can fire 1 Tac nuke 1 game frames before X-1 others, you can penetrate about 20-30 shields with X-1 tac-nukes - ANYWHERE, not just the EMPed zone.
If you have 2 silos, and one can reach the front porc, only one the porc around singus, you can use one to support the other.

To coordinate the attacks you have to guard the previous missile and queue the fire order after the guard order.
When the unit dies and the missile spawns, the guard get erased and the fire order activated.

Basically we have to decrease the %damage of projectiles by %charge and reduce the charge by absorbed damage in the correct order.
(If not possible by Spring directly, set armor=100% and inflict damage, calculate blocking manually)

I can write a framework for it, but currently not experienced enough to implement all by my own.
+0 / -0
Neonstorming below. Just keep scrolling.

Make tacnukes into planes with bomber-like armor. Then they can all go through shields, but you can shoot them down with hacksaws. 2 hacksaws stop 1 missile. You could have "assault" missiles that can tank a lot of hacksaw fire for picking off the hacksaws themselves, then use the other missiles for demolitions. Cheap scout-missiles that can't take any AA fire but can explore a lot of AA-less ground with Quake range.

Then drop the price of the tacnuke launcher to the same as the plane lab.
+0 / -0