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What are the bonuses of the bombard com

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12 years ago
Im too low level to unlock it and what I already wanted before its released and since the manual doesnt include it yet(or other diffrent things like sumos new wep) i dont know what its default wep is,its health, speed, etc.

So please can you post what you know about it?
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12 years ago
epic range bonus each morph

Pro tip: if u want to learn to play well don't waste ur time/xp comms and focus on units

Troll tip: ...but comms are so fun to use! and they make your whole team rage when you lose your 6k metal comm! Profit guaranteed!
+0 / -0
I'm going second @[TROLOLO][GBC]W4RL0K's protip, just for the sake of reinforcing it. In fact, virtually every experienced player in the game will tell you the same thing.

Something to note: The bombard com cannot use the shock rifle (the rifle used by the cloaky sniper.) It also cannot cloak.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I've added it to the guide now.

The bombard com cannot use the shock rifle

I could let it do so. Do people want it to?
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12 years ago
At the moment the bombard com feels very limited in its weapon choices. You can make a 6k metal hammer out of it, but you could just as well build a useful com...
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12 years ago
Also, its stats are strictly worse at lvl 1 than those of batcom or strikey.
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12 years ago
I think that's cause more often than not range is the most important strength.
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I still dont see it in manual
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I see it (last comm in the list). Try cleaning out your cache?
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12 years ago
I see it now thanks
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