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Unit Tester - Shield Bots

By USrankBeamer
Test unit compositions against any shield bot composition of your choosing. Walk a flea into the nearby metal spot to spawn the desired enemy unit. Walk the flea close to your base into the metal spot to send all spawned enemies towards your base.

Players: 1
Map: Red Comet
Game:Zero-K v1.4.10.2
Created:12 years ago
Changed: 12 years ago (revision 229)
Played: 330 times
Rated: 3 times
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12 years ago
I recently played a game and lost bad to shield bots. Being somewhat unfamiliar with all of Zero-K's units still, I wanted to practice attacking various compositions of shield bot with compositions of my own. This way, I could learn which units are good versus others and whatnot.

I created this custom map to accomplish my goal. Now I'm able to make any unit compositons I want and see how they fair. I hope you guys find this custom map useful, and please feel free to tell me how to improve it if need be.
+0 / -0
Problem with shieldbots? Skuttle. Skuttle Skuttle Skuttle! That or Stiletto. Or Tick if your enemy doesn't have tons of Outlaws and if you can use wrecks/terrain/enemy thugs to stay out of Felons' line of sight.

Thug, but not Felon counters include: Venom, Leveler, Banisher, Pyros, Dominatrix and other units with high AoE or piercing weapons that ignore shields.

Firewalker, Sharpshooter and Licho if your enemy doesn't have large shields, Sumo if your enemy doesn't have anti-heavies.

Gauss if you want statics, nano-spam (hold down Q, queue 100 LLTs) if you want enemy Felons set to fire at will to waste all their shots.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
You can use /cheat in local or !cheats if you are the boss of a room. /give number unitdef *team number* will. The internal unitdefs can be found in the unit guide, by hovering over the picture of the unit. /spectator /godmode allows you to control both teams.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Oh oh, the Shields manual and the Specicif unit guides include lots of information too.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
What Skasi says or more basic you can use high hp units or artillery to drain felon + shields.
And the trick is to not let the shieldball grow. early on shields are not that dangerous.
Try to get under the shields with your units to avoid the shield.
And heat ray weapon does do maximum damage regardless of range, so ideal to drain schields.
For statics you can also use razor's kiss to drain felon. Or build a shield yourself, shield vs shield is very ineffective.

+0 / -0

12 years ago
You can also get an emp plane, at least once the shieldball grows out of control (that is, aspis, felons, outlaws in decent numbers).
+0 / -0
12 years ago
u can make more of these?
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And heat ray weapon does do maximum damage regardless of range, so ideal to drain schields.

If only there was a heatray unit that wasn't instagibbed by felon and outlaw, and didn't sport a much stronger jump attack that can end the ball in one go irregardlessly.
+0 / -0
Wow, thanks for all of the advice guys.

u can make more of these?

I don't think it's really necessary anymore thanks to Saktoth's suggestion:

You can use /cheat in local or !cheats if you are the boss of a room. /give number unitdef *team number* will. The internal unitdefs can be found in the unit guide, by hovering over the picture of the unit. /spectator /godmode allows you to control both teams.
+0 / -0
/nocost is also useful as you can build units instantly with both sides and don't have to know the weird unitdefs.
+0 / -0
This is epic good, can i get links for version of every Factory (Unit Tester - Cloaky Bot, Unit Tester - Shipyard, etc..) ???

I don't think it's really necessary anymore thanks to Saktoth's suggestion:

It still necessary cause your implementation is a lot more user friendly, it like the jump from command lines to GUI.
+0 / -0
AUrankAdminSaktoth Ad suggestion about spawning units

Can you give at least one working example of giving a unit to the computer for testing?

I tried the following on the Ubuntu 14.04 with working (or at least I can play multiplayer/singleplayer Zero-K game on both spring 97 and 91). I use only the default settings:
1. Open Zero-K lobby
2. Click on single player and wait for firefox
3. On firefox: login as me, and clicked "sandbox" (http://zero-k.info/Missions/Detail/97)
4. Wait for the Spring game to spawn
5. Make some defenses
6. Type "Enter" to open the chat prompt
7. Type «\cheat» - computer responds with "cheats enabled"
8. Type «\give 10 armpw 2» in hope to give 10 glaives to some side. I assume that my side is "1", so I ask to give that glaive to side 2. (BTW: Who did named glaive "armpw"?)
9. Enemy commander spawns somewhere, but with glaives. The commander doesn't do a thing - it looks like AI doesn't control it.

I tried all possible variations of the «\give n armpw|glaive|foo|whatever m» to no avail. No response whatsoever. No error messages even if I type a non existing command «\sdfsgsfw». Maybe my Spring is broken (again)?
+0 / -0

10 years ago
Perhaps: \give 10 armpw 0
+0 / -0
10 years ago
BTW: Who did named glaive "armpw"?

Answer: armpw = arm peewee, which is the name of the raider kbot from Total Anihilation.

I think more internal unit names are given based on TA names...

Also, when you get a problem with a command, it is useful to check to output of spring (not the chat, the output in a command line of spring). Not sure how can you make all messages to appear in chat, it seems that with 97 some messages will not appear in chat but will appear on the output.
+0 / -0
10 years ago
I've solved the problem: I mistook backslash with a slash... I've typed slashes on this forum, while I was actually typing backslashes on the chat. Too quick fingers.
+0 / -0
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