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New Restricted Room TEAM Ground only

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12 years ago
No nukes, no air, pure ground war :)

It will give more fun and less rage for all players.
Becouse all beginners after long playing can remember that arty is good on proc, or finding another way to get enemy.
After that when you get lvl 25, i can play on another Official Rooms.

That will bring down , smurfs, all hate and rage and more playable for all :)
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Sounds like Anni, Behe and Bertha spam...
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Or zenit and disco party, but if you are new

sure you start from spaming best strategist from start :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
For new players not having to worry about air is probally more helpful than unlocks on some rarely used units.
Depending on map & number of players it will not be Berha spam.
+0 / -0
It will certainly be popular. I still remember those horrific "No air/No nuke/20 minute no rush!" games that dominated in SupCom for a long time. shudder

You're probably right about it being a useful tool for people feeling overwhelmed at the start though.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Zero-K has a steep learning curve for nubs, especially those who haven't played any TA/Spring games. I like this idea, but do we have enough new players at a given time for it to work? Teams works well and is nearly always running because it doesn't exclude more experienced players, but players who've been around for a while probably aren't as interested in ground only games.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
How you can tell land wars will be not interesting when you never played it.
In warcraft 3 and SC FA most of games i played land wars :)
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Not a fan of the idea generally (splitting the game like this seems dangerous to the health of the community), however:

If there was to be a 'simplified' loadout then we should keep most of the game fundamentals and remove the more specialised or micro heavy plants. The idea should be to present a taste of the game with a genuinely simpler experience, but preserving the main game dynamics and enticing the user to move up to experience all the awesomeness that the full ZK offers.

I think the above suggestion fails to do that - it's more like a 'fun' play style for experienced players who prefer not to play with certain units, rather than something to actually help introduce newbs to the game.

So, I'd suggest the following:

Shield bots, Light Vehicles and Planes only.
No strider hub or supers, but retain nukes.
No energy-powered defences (Behe, Anni).

Some notes:

"Air" as a dynamic is pretty easy to grasp, and central to the wider game, so removing it entirely is unhelpful to newbies. Removing gunships makes sense - they're more like normal units that fly and require heavier AA. That leaves planes that have more natural counters.

Heavy and jumpies requires micro to play effectively, similarly cloakies and hovers rely a bit more on good unit knowledge and using their abilities effectively.

When it comes to supers, nukes are the most straight-forward, and there needs to be some sort of end-game option. Nukes are by far the best option to introduce newbs to supers.

Leaving out the energy-powered defences stops things getting porcy, as well as cutting out the learning curve of connecting the energy grid and building sufficient power.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Removing gunships makes sense - they're more like normal units that fly and require heavier AA. That leaves planes that have more natural counters.

require heavier AA.

You seem to have put the gunships on the wrong side of equation.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
EErankAdminAnarchid You seem to have put the gunships on the wrong side of equation.

How so? You generally pay 2x per HP for planes over gunships.

This isn't really the point though. The goal is to introduce the basic concepts without overwhelming newbs. Keeping planes isn't a big ask, and it makes the jump to the full game a matter of expanding and specialising, rather than whole new attack/refuel dynamics.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
How so? You generally pay 2x per HP for planes over gunships.

Because you need to kill a bomber RIGHT NOW before it releases payload and heads home. To put it in popular balancing terms, planes are all about alphastrike and speed, while gunships are about close-in support and sustained damage.
+0 / -0
I tell you why land wars, when 30 lvl build up anni, 6-7 dont remeber corectly lvl
start bulding detri.... And stop expanding and trying to overtake that hill with anni... So yes , new players need to learn and old player need to remeber that eco and army is the most needed.
That anni can be destroyed by scutle jump or drop from transport, artlery, bombers or emp for shield factory. But no , he need strong experimental unit.

My last game was like this, i build eco, army and deff rest was fighting for survival. I dont get it how some ppl get that idea that when have income 10m/s they build 4-6 carters... Its like Europa and USA they spend more than they earn. Now i get why Poland throughout the period of economic crisis, we have a positive economic all time.

Now i get why most of old players stoped helping new or unexperienced players, how long you can do it if they dont get the basics
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Yeah when I started playing the playerbase was pretty much only a few regulars, so I learned to play from 2v2 - 3v3 CCR. That was with capitalism, global overdrive, and stronger raiders, so you needed to learn to expand hard and spam flash hard or be massacred in minutes.

Now such monolithic gameplay isn't good in general, but it did teach me the basics of the game.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I had an idea about teaching 1v1 a while ago.

If you want to teach someone 1v1 with no distractions try limiting both sides to these units:
  • Baseline Commander
  • Defender
  • LLT
  • Mex
  • Solar
  • Fusion
  • Vehicle Factory
  • Mason
  • Dart
  • Scorcher
  • Leveler
  • Ravager

Probably works best on a large map. Learning these units is a lot faster than learning everything. The game would be focused mainly on expanding and raiding until you have the economic advantage to roll over your opposition. You can't do this to everyone though, the player you are teaching has to want to learn how to place a decent 1v1.
+0 / -0
AUrankAdminGoogleFrog - I'd worry about such a game devolving into ravager spam after the initial raiding was over.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
definitly, flashes wouldnt counter stumpies when there is big enough stumpy army.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Maybe that's because the only unit in cars that can beat a blob of raider-fast hi-dps assault-hp units is one not included in this list and wildly confusing on its own. Or maybe because such a blobunit is a bad thing anyway.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
I'd worry about such a game devolving into ravager spam after the initial raiding was over.
That's fine. The ravager spam is to decide who did the initial raiding the best. Remember that this would be a high elo player teaching them so if the ravager spam is fairly even and silly then the other player has successfully learnt raiding.
+0 / -0
I think you can do this with cloak/shield too. Glaive - Warrior - Zeus would work great. Bandit - Outlaw - Thug might work also but you progress out of the raider stage faster with outlaw/thug.

Having scorchers is really open to cheesy full-scorcher rushes, but the Dart is slightly too low weight to use on it's own.

The whole reason to use the ravager (and why ravager spam is ok) is because it is fast enough to raid, whereas the other factories have to keep pumping out raiders to hit the enemy expansion. Players need to learn the raid/expand game to learn 1v1 and the Ravager fits into it neatly.
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