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bombard commander chasis

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12 years ago
so new bombard commander chasis in the commander unlocks...what do we have to look forward too???
i.e. 8 weapon slots?
major increases on atk damage
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12 years ago
Dgun as default weapon! Built-in AA! Across-the-map jumpjets!

Fire while cloaked! Skuttle protection! Champagne dispenser!
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Shoots iron cannonballs!

Next: a ballista commander to shoot huge arrows, and an amazing horse commander with a spear.
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12 years ago
and an amazing horse

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Would iron cannonballs deal great damage?
Surely it will deal great impulse, but will it explode stuff?
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12 years ago
Nah, just change the assault cannon projectile for trebuchet commander to look like an iron ball. You can see kodachi grenade for reference.
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12 years ago
Wouldn’t it make the most sense for a bombard chassis to give the biggest range increases at the cost of speed and weapon diversity? (for example +20% range per level but can only fire plasma weapons?)
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12 years ago
Would iron cannonballs deal great damage?

Think of jumping Sumo. Now imagine ten times the velocity!
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(for example +20% range per level but can only fire plasma weapons?)

How does bombard shoot plasma weapons? Next thing, we will have laser swords and thermonuclear crossbows.
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How does bombard shoot plasma weapons?

“the energy required to activate the weapon, power the containment fields, operate the firing cycle, and the minute amount of fuel required as 'ammunition' might all be contained in a readily disposable cartridge, loaded individually inside a magazine type container. This cartridge might look very much like a 20th century cased bullet.”

more details here: http://www.goingfaster.com/term2029/plasmaguns.html

Next thing, we will have laser swords.

I certainly hope so (also I hear that a laser sword unit was at one point in the game but was removed because of some kind of infinite damage bug)

and thermonuclear crossbows.

Crossbows are soo last millennium, thermonuclear bazookas are better, and the darkmatter handgun is the future
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12 years ago
Maybe a walking Warlord (the ship)
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12 years ago
Oh fine. But i want an amazing robot horse to transport my robot knights armed with robot sticks and stones.
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i will use the unreality machine to destroy you all!

silly noobs using old fashined weapons taht can only destroy planets... ill use weapons taht can destroy all of reality!
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12 years ago
ddab there is a reason the unreality machine was (almost) never successfully used, it cannot affect imaginary opponents and therefore cannot defend itself from the infinite hordes of imaginary robot panda wizards (each riding an amazing horse that rides a steam-powered doombike stabilized by one purple three-horned elephant engineer on each side from within ether-cheese powered leviathan-class hover tanks stationed on the deck of a sacred space-carrier (filled with legions of enslaved cherry and pineapple flavored chaos pixies, dwarf rappers and samurai-mecha-socks) that is actually the middle finger of a super-planetary sized, cyber-ent DJ escorted by a squad of whimsical pink flaming wiking troll skalds)
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12 years ago
DErankChanServ is on some good shit
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