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area reclaim command malfunction

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12 years ago
when i do an area reclaim, the athena and the cloacked/sheilds cons tend to take off clear across the map, when i hold shift down they create move orders way away from the point of reclaim getting themselves killed quite often
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12 years ago
I never had the problem with cloaky/shield cons. And I can't remember last time I made an athena.
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12 years ago
it is the "Dynamic Avoidance Widget". You can disable it or configure it to be disabled for constructors.

it doesn't work well with flying units.
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12 years ago
thank you, i do that with f11 right?
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12 years ago
True, but how did you enable the widget in first place?
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12 years ago
Probably was messing around with widgets... I like to play with differnt ones, like i love having the smart nano's on, so if I'm at the front lines i can tell it to stop its patrol and it will quite building and totally focus on repairs and reclaims :)
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