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Music player fails to load for some users

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@[GBC]W4RL0K says some players, including him, are required to move the volume bar slider before the music player is loaded. The widget apparently doesn't load at the start like it should.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
that's funny, I always just restart that widget to make it run. maybe I don't actually have to do all that :D

I noticed at least one map has custom music and will turn off the music player,even when you are on a different map. if you play duke_nukem then go to another map you'll usually have to manually restart.

I know that's not helpfull but it's a little more information; I hope it's at least relevent :|
+0 / -0
12 years ago
if you play duke_nukem then go to another map you'll usually have to manually restart.

It makes sense, iirc the problem started when we started playing that map
So it's a virus map! OMG BAN WOLAS
+0 / -0

For Wolas: non-trolly way to do this is to call WG.Music.StopMusic(true) (make sure your widget loads after music player, or else use a loop until WG.Music is initialized).

Or just restart music player on widget:Shutdown(). Might fail, or might turn it on even for people who want it closed, though.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
And now? Other way to get music autoloaded at start?
I watched replay of the duke nukem map.. and since that I have no music :(
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Okay thx to Google
F11 -> Sound -> enable Music Player
+0 / -0
12 years ago
it's easily fixable, I just have to ask why spring doesn't manage this by it'self...

@[GBC]W4RL0K ,
there are ways to change spring settings with it being a virus. besides that I think the word searched for would be "malware" (there's a difference).

Although the map doesn't really have a purpose,it also is not infectious.
No panic, LOL XD
+0 / -0
12 years ago
When I wrote this disable music widget it was for chocolate rain months ago, and what I found was in zk's code when slider is down it calls widgethandler remove and this widget does exactly taht. I see nothing trolly here. Also I cant reproduce this bug myself.

Also at least write to me in chat or wherever to right topic, dont expect me read whole forum just to find this message, which I found just now.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Just do as KR says. The difference between your widget and the slider action is that the slider remembers when it has disabled the widget so knows when to re-enable it. If you disable the widget without going through the slider then the slider will think that the widget is enabled when it actually is not.
+0 / -0
12 years ago
Spoons after lunch.
+0 / -0

Spoons after lunch.

+0 / -0
12 years ago
function widget:Initialize()
widgetHandler:DisableWidget("Music Player")

function widget:Shutdown()
widgetHandler:EnableWidget("Music Player")

This works for me fine, duck after duke has normal zk music without adjusting sliders, and that WG.M... isint(cant find such field). I guess this will do it.

And that WG.M... I dont know where such method even exists. And definitly not in snd_music, actually such thing as StopMusic or something close doesnt exist in zero-k source at all.
+0 / -0

12 years ago
Hmm, it was actually StopTrack (and a corresponding StartTrack).

Oh well, problem fixed I guess?
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