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Fucking licho

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13 years ago
who agrees just post here. And dont talk about how easy to counter it. Licho is flying and it can just not fly in your hacksaws then whole team starts making aa which fails so WTF. Just spectate games reclaim com to rush licho = gg
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It is certainly not OP enough to merit two baww threads kthx.

Also fighters = global AA coverage
+0 / -0

13 years ago
no same cost ground mobile AA can shot down licho.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
20 Jethros in a spread line will beat a licho. And they are probably the worst mobile AA.
Problem is normaly a licho will only enter the edge of AA range for short time.
And the other problem is ppl normally ball up their AA giving licho a sweet shoot.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
Try moderator
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Iron fire i dont think so. They probably will fire one max two shots. And u wont put your aa bots straight at front line so they probably just fail. I even saw 4 hacksaws failing just because they werent at font line but spread so spread

fail not to spread

+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think you should ball up 6 fusions at one spot, make a antinuke there, build one aegis, and about 3 to 4 chainsaws.

Thats about 14k metal for 210 energy, nuke protection in a wide area and AA at this spot.

If you are afraid about drones ( bomb / paralizing ) that catch your AA projectiles, than spam Razor's kiss and Hacksaws or wide spread chainsaws and protect each important spot with one Aegis.

If you build a Singularity Reactor this are only 8k metal who would defend you against ANY aircrafts and gunships.

At least you can try to cloack your AA base, but this works only against CAI or n00bs.

If someone had enough metal for a licho you should have enough metal to fight under your shields and avoid some damage on your army - than you can fight very effective with your other units.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Since the last nerf licho got op.

=> If it attacks a target on the other side of a shield it throws the bomb inside the shield.

Pls let it throw the bomb again - even if it has to fly over it's target.

Let it throw the bomb like the indirect projectiles to prevent hill bombing or that if the projectile miss the target that it fly down to the ground.
+0 / -0

13 years ago
It could be the tossing bomber prec bomber originally was.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
Licho is good the way it is now, it was op before the nerf.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
♥ Licho ♥
+0 / -0
13 years ago
> ♥ Licho ♥

Licho[0K] or Airplane Licho :D

I think that we don't need to nerf Licho - only to add a little bit more range to mobile AA, or make it a lot faster.

* restore Lichos values
* Make all air except bombers / inclusive gunships a bit faster.
* make a stronger version of Hacksaws
* Add a button to let you choose the primary target: { only bombers, prefer bombers, attack anything }
* Make mobile AA faster - or make stockpiles for mobile AA units - like up to 3 stockpiles for vandal.
* All AA missles should retarget if they lose target
* * new range for retargeting = ( maxRange * 1.05 - movedDistance, prefer target classes of parent, prefer near targets )
* Adjusts reload times and damage of all AA units ( only AA weapons ) if needed
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I'd like to see the air- and anti air part made more interesting. It needs new concepts and lacks strategic depth (quality), NOT even more units (quantity) to confuse players.

Please think of ways to make the current units more interesting, not new units! That has been ZKs first step for ground units too: Remove obsoletes, improve existing.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
No please do not restore licho values licho after the nerf is not undefeatable.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I think we only need some things to make it less about micro.

And since chainsaws or fighters have much more range/speed than ground it is difficult for a air player to reclaim the battlefield.

There should be a possibility like a transform to hover function for the air con
+0 / -0

13 years ago
IonStorm, most of your ideas are really kind of out there, but just this time you really hit the nail on the head and I couldn't agree more.

Aircons being so vulnerable is a complete pain. It makes it pretty impossible to expand when starting air, and reclaim also. Unless your opponent isnt trying to contest your territory and wreck fields, in which case he is doing it wrong, but then the aircons are super strong for their speed.

Is such a drastic difference between aircons and every other con (ignoring crazy specops) really a good thing?
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I dont think thats necesary, if you are playing air you eventualy will need land support so other factory means land cons, so i dont see a reason for this to change.

+0 / -0
13 years ago
read my previous post to understand how to make mobile AA better against some surprising bomber attacks and equal effective against gunships

Because of long range statics this wouldn't hurt the balance.

And the higher speed makes AA generally less efficient -> balance for more dmg.

And you get some real Air and real AA - even on the battlefield.

The long range hacksaw T2 is exspecialy against lichos.

* Add a button to let you choose the primary target: { only bombers, prefer bombers, attack anything }

to kill Lichos ^^
+0 / -0

13 years ago
On ludicrously large maps air starts are still the thing to do. Nothing can match the speed and all-terrain capacities of the air constructor. Yes it is weak and its bp/cost is poor, but its still the fastest way to expand. If we do want air starts to be more viable, we could give it more HP/BP and less speed (which helps with ludicrously large maps, if we care about that). But in team games, air starts are still fairly strong.
+0 / -0
13 years ago
I thinks someone can understand "turning/morphing into a hover con" wrong...

The code has problems to disable AA to shot at air while building / reloading / landed.

Turning into a hover con to avoid that this long range AA shot@them doesn't mean to cost metal / change stats...

Only to let it fly at a very low altitude about a few % of it's size over the ground and disable that AA can shot it.

If we need a new unit ( an exact clone only changed at this to properties ) morph is our only option to implement that
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