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Suggestion: Maintain Base Command

8 posts, 763 views
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12 years ago
I'd like to see a widget or gadget implement a "Maintain Base" area command for construction units.

Click-drag a circle; any buildings within that circle get rebuilt if destroyed.
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12 years ago
You can do this currently using repeat commands. Truth is though you don't really ever want to do this, you want to reclaim, you might want to build new defences or makes solars instead of winds, etc.
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12 years ago
Lua it?
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12 years ago
i guess suppreme commader is the idea behind this. you could make cons patrol in your base (or area), they would repair and reclaim/rebuild destroyed structures at the exact same position. worked usefull to my knowledge.
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12 years ago
You might want to delay the rebuilding a bit, since having a builder lumber into a herd of raiders and start rebuilding the mex they just blew up isn't very helpful. Also, queueing up multiple "maintain" commands should make constructors maintain both areas, which allows for awkward base shapes if you didn't want them rushing over to that mex over there. Finally, they ought to reclaim anything in the area when there's no repairing or rebuilding to be done, as with the Patrol/Fight commands.
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12 years ago
This could be useful rebuilding mexes and reconnecting energy after 1 flea raid anything more? well probably no.
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12 years ago
>You can do this currently using repeat commands.

I'll try that, thanks.

>you could make cons patrol in your base (or area), they would repair and reclaim/rebuild destroyed structures at the exact same position

Yeah, that sounds more like what I want. Maybe no new command or UI is needed, just an additional task for patroling or idle cons to do when the opportunity arises (along with the usual repair and reclaim tasks).

Maybe you wouldn't want that behavior in all locations, though - near the front lines you probably only want cons repairing and reclaiming, not rebuilding (since it would just be wasted metal). So maybe have a UI to designate individual buildings as rebuildable, or to designate zones within which all buildings are rebuildable. Then when you need stuff rebuilt just send cons there and they'll take care of it themselves.

>Lua it?

I probably will, someday, if nobody else does first. But I'm hoping someone with more skills and time will beat me to it. :)
+0 / -0
For everyone who is interested: such "maintain base" command is 100% possible with existing widgets.

Right now we have "Central Build AI" (CBA) widget that could remember your build queues and automatically distribute them among idle constructors. So, with some modification, you could remove user's queue from the code and make it to remember building position & make it translate into build queue instead.

I think it won't be totally usefull because the same building will get explode over and over again in PvP because game is progressing really fast (ie: frontline is changing and precission arty like Merl is the greatest threat)... unless we are playing 2 hour chicken and we just hate diggers blowing some fusion at the back.
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