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Mission Editor

9 posts, 1717 views
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12 years ago
Problem with mission editor. The engine always hangs on "loading weapon definitions" Any idea what could be causing this?

reproduction: open mission editor, Test mission.

the "default" mission always used to work without issues.
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12 years ago
I've been having the same problem...
I already posted another thread on this before realizing someone else has the same issue...

Sorry, but I don't have any solutions to it, yet.
I tried publishing a mission, to play it from Zero-K's launcher, but my mission editor crashes on publishing too...
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12 years ago
89.0 seems to be broken with mission editor. Try 88.0 instead (although that one will likely just hang on LuaRules instead).
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12 years ago
I'll keep trying older versions of spring, but will I have to find the matching versions of Zero-K, or will the newest Zero-K work with spring 88 and older?
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12 years ago
Dunno if anyone is seeing this, but I've tried testing a mission with the editor in Spring 88, but the same version of Zero-K. It now hangs on 'Loading Square Textures'...

BUT! I published the mission (It's really crappy, just for testing) and I can play it through the Zero-K launcher just fine.

So, this has to be an issue with the editor, right?
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12 years ago
As KingRaptor said, when I try testing the mission, it hangs at "Loading LuaRules." I can publish missions just fine, though. I'm using 88.0. I don't know how to fix this.
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12 years ago

I've tried reporting the bug on the Mission Editor's Google page.
All I can hope for now is attention, lol.
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12 years ago
do somebody has broblem whit loading newest version to editor? when i try to it crashes
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12 years ago
>do somebody has broblem whit loading newest version to editor? when i try to it >crashes

I can't seem to load any missions with any version of 0K or spring engine. Using editor version
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