@luckywaldo's first post:
You have F for patrol, not P?
There are 5 transport buttons and 5 attack-buttons (with fight)? LOL, never noticed that OVERKILL!
I use m to move a Krow over a big factory or over a buildings when I have a repair-zone over these.
can we not add options to hide wer and asdfg buttons? they are so common.
[color=grey]* A good idea for my Chili_Border_Menu, once the bugs are fixed...[/color]
Can we not use shift for queuing, ignore CRTL for unit-commands and - especially - use ALT to toggle between Move/Fight, Load/Unload, Attack/SetTarget, Embark/Disembark, Repair/Reclaim?
* The indicator would be a half/half-ed button icon
If you have only 1 morph or only 1 thing that would open another tab, just keep it in the first one (AND the second one ofc)
* Pxtl> But that would be an assload of contextual checking.