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Who is Jeremy Gooch?

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This looks great! :-)
Looking forward for more great stuff!

It even fits with the ideas for story http://zero-k.info/Forum/Thread/2263 !
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12 years ago
That's pretty sweet. It'd be nice to have an official concept artist here ;)
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12 years ago

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12 years ago
wow, looks cool
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12 years ago
when will the new unit models be integrated?

nice work!
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First, we should choose: [this are my personal preferences]
* name - Sally? really? [Selene - that sounds more adult]
* skin color - Are there many sun planets which can alter your skin tone?
* hair color - How about braids and 1 or 2 ponytails [strawberry blond, Black-Blue]
* eye color - [green/blue]
* character - [cute, cheeky]
* knowledge - what should she know?
* etc

If we have decided what she should be, we can design the model.

The second image is the most aceptable.
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12 years ago
I wouldn't want that style to represent the game.
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12 years ago
I don't think this person in the z-k skecth is Sally. well I hope not.
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12 years ago
Please stop posting, HiKitty.
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12 years ago
oh god whats wrong with the sketches head.
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12 years ago
The Com looks a little sad..
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12 years ago
Err, I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a Warrior, not a comm.
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12 years ago
The bodysuit is nice, but her figure is way over-the-top IMO. I thought we were going for a "strong female lead", not "perpetual fanservice girl".

Even so, nice pics.
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12 years ago
I'd say it looks like a bartender equiped with 2 dispenser guns... and by his face, he didn't only serve customers...
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12 years ago
Only the first one is a Zero-K pic, and she is more combat fatigues than body suit. I wasn't going to say it though, but yeah, if we're going to have a female lead we need to do it right. She can be good looking, she can make good 'cover art' and promotional material, but she shouldn't be a cheesecake pinup.

Then again, I dunno- if I asked my female feminist friends half of them would probably say 'SKIN TIGHT SUIT!' because they're a bit that way...
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12 years ago
Mandatory reading.

Alyx Vance comes in at #1 on the list as she should. Her character proves that women in video games can be beautiful without being trashy. She was a breath of fresh air.

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12 years ago
Fan Service
Fan service (ファンサービス fan sābisu?), fanservice, or service cut (サービスカット sābisu katto?),[1][2] is a term originating from anime and manga fandom for material in a series which is intentionally added to please the audience.[3] It is about "servicing" the fan[4] - giving the fans "exactly what they want".[5] Fan service usually refers to "gratuitous titillation",[6] but can also refer to intertextual references to other series.[3]

So it's a cheap way method to interest your audience by just adding something you think they will like, not because it is important to your game/story.

So far I feel that explicitly making the player play as a human character in a universe where that doesn't really make any sense fits that description also.
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12 years ago
Okay, the skintight suits are likely justifiable in-universe, but any female human mascot we have needs to have a sensible leg length. Also less emphasis on boobs.

(Also, since we're doing realistic grimdark universe, she should have realistic proportions in general, but cartoony style could work too)
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12 years ago
Though "realistic proportions" could be anything justifiable with genetic manipulation and cybernetics. Which, in turn, could only be justified if it provides a practical benefit. So a large bosom is a no-no, unless she's likely to need an impromptu airbag.

Skintight suits make a lot of sense, and could maybe be spray-on clothing (which already exists), which I imagine might be more convenient. Possibly also some armour plating, for combined protection and modesty purposes?
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12 years ago
We cannot really do anything grim dark. Look at the silly ideas from the game :)

And that sketch have style, I like it!

The bot is a glaive/warrior cross I think.
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